[DXLog.net - Support] OK DX RTTY Observations

Marty Blluhm w8aks55 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 16:27:13 CET 2013

Hi Guys and Merry Christmas to yall!

I used dxlog for the first time in a contest although not in a serious 
mode, more of a find out what's going on mode.

Following are my observations, Some of these may already be listed; but 
I can't find the to do list.

1. MAJOR: Zones were consistently wrong i.e All the US west coast (zone 
3) were put into zone 4 and as the contest progressed, they were moved 
to zone 5.  One I station was  put into zone 5 vice 15.
2. MINOR: Setting up RTTY macros drove me up the wall. Checked the WIN 
TEST manual and it showed a separate rtty macro window.  Does anyone 
have a workaround for this?
I have to go back and redo all the cw macros for that mode. This is 
probably on the to do list.
3. Minor: Dupe checking did not start untill I worked a dupe and logged 
it.. OL8M on 40m was a dupe and logged. After that , the dupe function 
started working and showed dupes of other stations. I had previously 
tried this prior to the OL8M contact with no dupe indication. (F6CXJ).

In summary, I really like the program and appreciate all the hard work 
that has gone into it.  In particular, I like the layout, very nice and 
clean. Not having been a previous WINTEST user, I was lost in 
understanding the naunces of the macros. So the WINTEST manual has been 
downloaded and required reading.

Thanks again and 73

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