[DXLog.net - Support] Testing 2.0.18

Bob Wilson, N6TV n6tv at arrl.net
Tue Oct 8 11:11:47 CEST 2013

>From my notes made during the CQP.  You already have my CQP13.DXN and
DXlog.net.config files that I was using.

Testing 2.0.18 07-Oct-2013 19:46 (trying not to duplicate things already
reported by me or others)

   1. With
   - Advanced SO2R "Pileup" scenario
   - CTSPACE, NOLZ and NOABBREV in effect
   - "Add spacing when stacking messages" enabled
   - LPT port keying
   - INSERT message programmed as $LOGGEDCALL $QSOB4 $F2
   - F2 programmed as $SERIAL $EXCHANGE
   Bug:  no word space is sent between logged call and serial no, for early
   QSOs (1-9)?
   Had to add leading space before $SERIAL in F2 message to fix it.
   2. [*] or [Down] followed by Ctrl+Tab is broken again.  It should toggle
   RUN/S&P mode of active radio.  Ctrl+Shift+Tab works OK.
   3. Couldn't understand how to use ESM in S&P mode.  Switch to S&P mode,
   enter callsign for dupe check, looks good, hit Enter to make call, Enter
   should send F1 S&P message "DE N6TV", but instead it sends the F2 message.
   4. Had ancient spots file DXCSpotHistory.txt in %AppData%.  Turned
   cluster OFF for contest.  Ver olld spot data showed up in band map.  When
   do spots time out?
   Right Click, Clear Bandmap clears window, but REOPENNOW or restart, and
   the old spot data is back in the band map.
   Ctrl+DoubleClick deletes a spot from the band map, but it returns after
   5. Feature Request:  In Alt+K, the [Backspace] key should remove any
   unsent characters from keying queue, LIFO.  Sent characters could be
   highlighted when they ae sent, like Win-Test does, so that you can see what
   was sent before Escape cancels any sending.
   6. Feature Request:  In Alt+K, with Options, CW, Remap keys in Keyboard
   Mode enabled, sending the PLUS message (mapped to ['])  works OK, but it
   does *not* the log the QSO.
   Win-Test logs the QSO if you have a $CR in a message and you hit that
   key in Keyboard mode.
   7. (Already fixed?) Beam headings in check mult were not properly
   calculated from grid square CM97cf entered in Contest Configuration page.
    Beaam heading seem to be based on center of country (W)?  Saw that on XP
   system in shack, now using Windows 7 and looks OK.
   8. Check Callsign window doesn't update until you hit spacebar.  It
   should update as soon as there is a match, just like Check Mult Window
   does, when Tools, Data, Exchange Guessing, is Automatically is selected
   9. After you log a QSO with PLUS, that callsign should immediately show
   up in the Check Mult window on the just-logged band, like Win-Test does it,
   so you can tell when you've worked a guy on 5 bands immediately.  Same with
   Check Call window.
   10. (Already fixed?) Time ON / OFF all messed up.
   Note:  minimum off time (if off time required) should be a parameter in
   contest.txt file.
   CQP uses 15 minutes with no QSOs as minimum off time.
   ARRL Sweepstakes and NAQP contests use 30 minutes as min. off time.
   Note:  if you log a QSO at 05:00 and the next one at 05:30, contest
   rules interpret that as only 29 minutes OFF time since Cabrillo file only
   has 1-minute resolution, and you could have logged one at 05:00:59 and the
   second at 05:30:01, which is 58 seconds less than the minimum 30 minutes
   off, so ARRL interprets all those minutes as "TIME ON" (!).  You have to
   log next QSO at 05:31.  DXLog.net should use same logic.
   11. Feature request: Ctrl+P launches HamCAP propagation prediction
   against current callsign, like Win-Test does (if installed).  Second press
   of Ctrl+P just updates HamCap display (http://www.dxatlas.com/hamcap)
   12. Feature request (dupe):  Auto-Refocus to DXLog.net every 5 or 10
   seconds in case you click on another window like HamCap, WinRad, Web
   Browser, etc.
   13. Hitting [Plus] when a QSO line is completely empty should
*not*display red error message "Callsign needs at least one number".
I should
   just resend the PLUS message.
   14. (Already fixed?)  Red dupe info msg wasn't displaying (QSO no. /
   exchange received) for dupe consistently.  It worked for a little while,
   then stopped and only displayed *my* QSO no. and the time?  Fortunately
   data was visible in Check Mult window ("Your QSO no. was xxx")
   15. F7 (sending a question mark) should *immediately* halt a repeating
   CQ.  Right now it cancels the "REPEAT" but doesn't halt the CQ
   16. Feature request:  "Cut" numbers "A" "N" "T" "E" should be
*allowed*in serial no. field, and automatically translated to 1, 9, 0,
and 5 like
   Win-Test does, *if* Tools, Data Entry, *Enable CW Cut Number Translation*,
   is enabled (Don't do it like Win-Test with an option to "enable" "Disable
   CW Cut Number Translation"; use positive logic, not double-negatives)
   17. Feature request:  Some type of visual indicator showing the TX and
   RX radios or Stereo RX, like Win-Test does in Secondary Radio Window.  N1MM
   uses little red and green TX and RX icons.  The lone red cursor DXLog.net
   has now cannot indicate both RX and TX well enough.  The Win-Test Symbols S
   A and T are very cryptic and buried in the rate window.
   18. (Already fixed?)  Repatint CQ active on radio 1, down arrow, F4,
   CWstops, but sometimes *nothing* is sent on second radio.
   And *once* when repeating CQ on Radio 2, up arrow, F4, *Radio 1 locked
   key down*, and DXlog.net *crashed* and closed with no trace message.
    Had to power off the radio then restart DXLog.net to clear the locked key
   down situation. Only happened once.
   19. For CQP, *Pts* colum is not properly centered under the heading.  *
   Stn* column also off by 1.
   20. Using CQP_DB.txt file, enter W9P and *Created by Dave* shows up in
   the Check Partial windows. :-)  Loader should ignore comment lines prefixed
   by # in DB files.
   21. Repeating CQ delay set to 2.7 seconds, but it was not remembered
   after restart, has to be reprogrammed every time.
   22. Exit and restart, with two OmniRig radios, only one works OK (Radio
   2).  Radio 1 is not showing frequency properly.  Had to type SETUP [Enter],
   [Enter] to get OmniRig to display frequency of Radio1 properly after
   23. Feature request:  Rate meter (Alt+R) doesn't recalculate
   minute-by-minute rates if you scroll back in log, like Win-Test does
   24. (Already fixed?) Rate meter "Last hour" line was showing rate for
   QSOs since top of hour, instead of rate for last 60 minutes?
   25. (Already fixed?) Local sunrise sunset times in Clock window was not
   based on grid square, but on country prefix.
   26. Options, Log, Fonts, Large or Extra Large.  Now put cursor over the
   letter B or E.  Doesn't look good.  Cursor width needs to match character
   width.  After font change, cursor temporarily displays as a thin vertical
   line instead of a block, until you move it
   27. QUIT [Enter], then press [Escape] to cancle, pop-up dialog doesn't
   close.  Escape should always cancel the active modal dialog, like hitting
   the "X" in the top right.

Thanks for your patience Chris.

Bob, N6TV

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