[DXLog.net - Support] DXLog.net v2.2.4 is available

9A5K 9a5k at 9a5k.com
Tue Nov 25 18:16:38 CET 2014

Hi everyone.

New version 2.2.4 is uploaded to download folder.

Still enough time to upgrade and test before CQ WW CW.
In case of any trouble, let me know and it will be fixed ASAP.

Here is the info from release notes:

Ver 2.2.4
- Status window now shows 10 minutes rule timers in different colors.
- Rearrange code to display 10 minute rule errors for multi/single stations.
- New option available: Options->Networking->Don't allow QSO logging if
band change rule is broken.
  Checked by default. If 10 minute rule is broken, DXLog wouldn't allow to
log such QSO.
  Error message will be displayed bellow QSO line.
- Added $NEXTSERIAL / $PREVSERIAL macro commands.
- New contest supported: Estonian local contest called ES-LL-KV. (TNX ES7GM)
- Radio/Ant status window is now resized correctly when using larger fonts
and have over 4 antennas on one band. (TNX K6MR)
- Radio/Ant status window antenna selection can be done directly by mouse
click on desired selection.
- New option available: Options->Networking->Show different active QSO line
color during wait status.
  If checked, DXLog.net will change the color of new QSO line during wait
period in status window.
  There are two different color, one for wait period until last minute, and
another one for last minute.
  When wait status isn't active, qso line will have normal background color.
- Sked/Pass station. Numeric pad usage was disabled. Fixed. (TNX IK2NCJ)
- $FREQP, $FREQS, $FREQxx macros implemented. "xx" is band for search in
the network.
- QTC data for sent QTC's wasn't correctly formatted in Cabrillo export
(sent by/rcvd by callsigns where changed). Fixed. (TNX DF1QR)
- QTC frequency was reset to default if QTC was sent/received before QSO is
logged. Fixed.
- Cabrillo export is now resorted to include QTC lines between QSO lines
according to the time.
- $MK2R=x macro implemented. Send custom commands to microHAM device.
- New contest supported: Russian WW multi mode contest. (TNX YT3W)
- New contest supported: S5 local contest - KV PRVENSTVO ZRS. (TNX 9A4ZM)
- If DXLog.net can't find any device for Playing and/or Recording, MP3
configuration window was broken. Fixed. (TNX IK2NCJ)
- Rate window - new options available.
  Set global target qso rate. It will take this number as average qso rate
for each hour of the contest and will
  compare current qso number with number calculated based on this number.
And difference will be shown in rate window.
  Show projected score. This will calculate projected score at the end of
the contest based on currently loaded target file
  and current score. Calculation is done at minute level.
 - QSY Wizard window added. When using HamCAP to check propagation data, if
chart tab is used, QSY Wizard window will
   show possible QSY bands at current time, if HamCAP prediction for qso in
that hour is greater of 5 percent.
   If not, it will show band labeled as SKED with UTC hour when maximum
prediction is found.
- LZ DX Contest - added database for LZ stations exchange. (TNX R9IR)
- DXC Announcements window - optimized code for faster display refresh when
lot of data is received from DXC.
- When floating windows mode was used, focus wasn't returned to main window
if some of child windows was clicked. Fixed. (TNX K6MR, IK2NCJ)


Chris - 9A5K

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