[DXLog.net - Support] Doubts with macro

9A5K 9a5k at 9a5k.com
Sat Jul 9 11:54:25 CEST 2016

Hi Carlos.

If I am getting it correct, you're talking about ESM mode.

So, when you enable ESM mode, please note that there are two sets of
messages, one if
you are in run mode (calling cq), and another one in s&p (you're searching
through the band and replying
on other station's cq).

Check tools/data entry menu and enable ESM mode and switching run/s&p mode..
With ctrl+tab you can swich manually between run and s&p mode (which one is
active is visible in clock window).

Now, if you're in s&p mode, pressing enter in callsign field pressing enter
will send s&p message f1 (de $mycall - de py4xx)..
Now, if you're in rcvd field, it will send f2 message (by default R 5NN 15
in IARU HF Champ)...

Just remember, to log a qso while use ESM mode and doing s&p, you need to
use CTRL+PLUS key combination.

Chris - 9A5K

On Sat, Jul 9, 2016 at 4:42 AM, Carlos Alberto <py4xx at dxbrasil.net> wrote:

> Hi Guys... 73
>  I have a dubt in Standart CW messages confugurator and I'd like know who
> can help me.
> I want that when the cursor is in the callsign field and I give ENTER,
> the radio sends " $MYCALL" and when the cursor is on
>  exchange field, and I give ENTER , the radio send exchenge .
>  I tried some settings , but without success.
> Putting $MYCALL in the INSERT , it sends the $MYCALL correctly, but
> when it's in the field exchange, sends $MYCALL again
> and I'd wanted to send the $SERIAL .
>  From now on, my many thanks for any help.
> --
> *Carlos Alberto*
> *                                                          PY4XX - PT4C -
> PX4X - PT4T                                   *
> Without CW I'm just CB.
> Araucária DX Group Member
> Rio DX Group Member
> JEDI DX Team Member
> CTC Member
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