PP5KR pp5kr at araucariadx.com
Thu Apr 19 15:50:08 CEST 2018

Ok Chris.

I often use the enter to start TX, it sends complete commands - F5 + F2 
for example. But sometimes, I also use F5 + F2 directly, so the 
questioning. If on the radio he's piling up, all right.


Em 2018-04-19 10:42, 9A5K escreveu:
> Hi Lucas.
> No, at radio it is stacking messages.
> With morse runner, it's little bit different, because it is sending
> windows messages to another application, which controls cw sending.
> You can use insert msg instead of F5+F2, as insert key will send
> combination of these two keys, by default, as single message.
> 73,
> Chris - 9A5K
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2018 at 3:39 PM, PP5KR <pp5kr at araucariadx.com> wrote:
>> Hello guys
>> I have not yet tested DXLOG with radio, my experiences so far (in 4
>> days I bought it) were only with Morse Runner.
>> I noticed that he is not stacking messages, if I press F5 + F2 he
>> interrupts the F5 command and goes straight to F2. My question is:
>> Will he also do this with the radio? Are there any specific settings
>> for this that I have not seen?
>> The software is good, it promises!
>> 73
>> Lucas
>> PP5KR
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