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(Message macros)
(Message macros)
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|Grabs spot from the bandmap on the current frequency. (Currently not available)
|Grabs spot from the bandmap on the current frequency. (Coming in 2.4.2)

Revision as of 11:55, 23 May 2019


Contest configuration

DXL ContestConfig1.png

Callsign The Callsign which will be used during the contest
Grid square Your Maidenhead grid square (6 letters) which will be used in VHF/UHF/SHF contests for QRB calculations
Exchange Contest specific exchange field
DXCC prefix your DXCC standard prefix
WAZ zone Your CQ zone number
ITU zone Your ITU zone number
State/Province/Other Your US state, Canadian province or DX for all other countries
Name The name which will be inserted in the final Cabrillo file
Address The address which will be inserted in the final Cabrillo file
Club The name of your club for club competitions
Contest Select the relevant contest or dxpedition template
Category Select the stations contest operation category
Overlay Select the stations contest overlay category (if required).
Class Select the stations contest power class.
Mode Select the mode of operation for the Contest
Op. name Enter the operators name (if required)
Power Enter the station's power level (if required). Can be set to 1TT, KW, etc. if used for contest exchange.
Operators Enter a comma separated list of callsigns of the station operators.

After pressing enter (or mouse click on OK button) all fields are checked against contest rules defined in contest config file.
If any fields contain incorrect data, DXLog.net will supply a warning with instructions on how to correct the data, It may also show possible links to the contest rules (if link is defined in contest config file).

Message macros

The following commands when entered into a message macro enables automated functions as listed
$13 (Data Modes) Send carriage return character.
$!ABCD Execute script with name ABCD.
$!DISABLE!ABCD Disable script with name "ABCD".
$!ENABLE!ABCD Enable script with name "ABCD".
$AILOCK Enable interlock blocking.
$ALTERNATECQ (or $ACQ) swaps radio focus and sends CQ.
$BANDIDpppp Send band of Radio 1 of station pppp in the network. E.g. $BANDIDMULT will send band of radio 1 of station with ID RUN1.
$BANDOR Returns band of non focused radio.
$CHECK Send license year. (Function unclear.)
$CHECKCALL Check validity of entered callsign (against general and contest rules).
$CLEARRIT Set RIT to zero on supported radios.
$CORRECT Send corrected callsign. Send nothing if callsign not corrected.
$CQ Send CQ on focused radio. (Creates infinite loop if used with key F1.)
$CQZONE Own CQ Zone from Station Data.
$CR Execute [Enter] operation.
$CTRLPLUS Silently log QSO.
$CURRENT Sends current callsign even if $CR present later in the macro.
$DELAY=### Wait ### milliseconds.
$FOCUS1 Change Focus to Radio 1.
$FOCUS2 Change Focus to Radio 2.
$FOCUSCALL Move focus to Callsign field.
$FOCUSRCVD Move focus to Rcvd field.
$FOCUSREC1 Move focus to RecInfo field.
$FOCUSREC2 Move focus to RecInfo2 field.
$FOCUSREC3 Move focus to RecInfo3 field.
$FREQIDpppp Send frequency of Radio 1 of station pppp in the network. E.g. $FREQIDRUN1 will send frequency of radio 1 of station with ID RUN1.
$FREQnnn Sends the frequency of the networked primary radio found on this band. Band nnn is 160, 80...15, 10, 50, 144, etc.
$FREQOR Frequency of the other radio in SO2R.
$FREQP Frequency of Radio 1.
$FREQS Frequency of Radio 2.
$F1-$F7 Send the message associated to the function key.
$GRABPARTNER Grabs first callsign from the Partner stack.
$GRABSPOT Grabs spot from the bandmap on the current frequency. (Coming in 2.4.2)
$GRID The full Maidenhead Locator from Station Data.
$GRID4 The first four characters of the Maidenhead Locator from Station Data.
$INSERT Send message associated with the [INS] key.
$ITUZONE ITU Zone from Station Data.
$LOGQSO Silently log QSO.
$MK2R=cmd Send command to MK2R.
$MSG1-$MSG12 Additional CW messages.
$MYCALL Callsign set in Station Data.
$MYDXCC Own DXCC Prefix.
$MYITUZONE ITU Zone from Station Data.
$MYNAME Sends operator name, set in contest configuration.
$NEXT Sends the callsign of the next QSO line when a $CR is included in the message.
$NEXTCALL Sends the callsign of the next QSO line when a $CR is included in the message.
$NEXTSERIAL Sends next QSO serial number.
$OPNAME Equivalent to $MYNAME.
$OTRSP=cmd Send command to connected OTRSP device.
$PILOCK Disable interlock blocking.
$PLUS Sends message associated with the [+] key.
$PREV_RCVD Previous received serial.
$PREVSERIAL Previous QSO serial number.
$QQSLRESET Reset Quick QSL timer.
$QSOB4 Sends the QSOB4 message if "Work Dupes" is not enabled.
$QSOB4WIPE Sends the QSOB4 message if "Work Dupes" is not enable and wipes entry field.
$R1R1 (SO2R) Sets the headphone audio routing to radio 1 in both ears.
$R1R2 (SO2R) Sets the headphone audio routing to radio 1 in left ear and radio 2 in right ear.
$R2R1 (SO2R) Sets the headphone audio routing to radio 2 in left ear and radio 1 in right ear.
$R2R2 (SO2R) Sets the headphone audio routing to radio 2 in both ears.
$RCVD Sends received exchange without RST.
$RECINFO Sends second part of received exchange, if applicable.
$REPEAT Restarts the repeating CQ sequence.
$RESET Cancels any manual change made in the audio control.
$RST Sends report from RST Sent field (normally 5NN).
$RSTEXCHSENT Resets the "exchangesent" flag of the active QSO. Useful for ESM scripts.
$SERIAL sends current QSO Serial Number, or previous serial number if the log entry field is empty.
$SETEXCHSENT Sets the "exchangeSent" flag of the active QSO (useful only for ESM scripts).
$SPACE Step Focus (Same as pressing space bar).
$SPACEBAR Step Focus (Same as pressing space bar).
$STATE Sends State/Province set in contest configuration.
$SWAPFOCUS Swap radio focus.
$TR1 (SO2R) Transmit Radio 1.
$TR2 (SO2R) Transmit Radio 2.
$TRS (SO2R) Transmit on opposite radio to focus.
$TU Sends "TU".
$WAZZONE Own WAZ zone from station configuration.
$WIPE Wipe entry field.
&xy CW prosign where xy are merged to one character.
+ increase CW speed by 4 wpm.
- decrease CW speed by 4 wpm.
^ Half wordspace character in CW.
~ At the end of a variable means "no space" will be inserted.
Setup for NOW message on RTTY