
Revision as of 19:36, 29 September 2022 by Sm7iun (talk | contribs) (Authors and Contributors)
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The project was started by the late Kresimir (Chris or Krešo) Kovarik, 9A5K, in the
summer of 2011 with the ambitious goal to create the most easy to use and versatile contest
logging software available.

DXLog has a classic, keyboard-centric, look-and-feel and builds on a long standing tradition in
keyboard shortcuts and other user interface elements.

Dxl prev2.png

Krešo was a central person in the Balkan ham radio community and a globally renowned and generous
contester, which included multiple participations in WRTC.

He was also a software professional which, among other things, has given DXLog perhaps the most
powerful scripting system and the most advanced, and open, support for complex contest rules of all
contest loggers. In fact, unlike with any other contest logger, all users have access to the full
power and flexibility of the DXLog contest rules engine.

Krešo at WRTC 2014. Photo courtesy of Nodir EY8MM.

Krešo holding the Croatian team sign at WRTC 2018. Photo courtesy of Carsten DM9EE.

Shortly before Krešo's key went tragically silent in the early spring of 2019, his close friend
and ham radio community benefactor Krassy K1LZ acquired all rights to the software, including the
source code, with the ambition to donate it to the ham radio community.

At this time a small team, led by Paul K1XM, was also formed to maintain and develop the software.

Later in the spring Krešo was posthumously inducted into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame for his
contributions to ham radio contesting. The induction speech by Krassy K1LZ can be viewed by
clicking the picture below.

Krassy's induction speech at CQ Contest Hall of Fame 2019

DXLog is still in a state of constant development. New versions offering new features and defect
corrections are released on a regular basis.

The latest version can always be downloaded from HERE.

Authors and Contributors

The late Kresimir (Krešo) Kovaric, 9A5K, is the original author of the DXLog software and wiki.

The DXLog community owes gratitude to Paul K1XM and Björn SM7IUN for having spent hundreds of hours
improving the DXLog code base as well as E77DX, 9A1AA, 9A6C, N6MJ, CT1BOH, KL9A, I2WIJ,
LZ5DB, IK2NCJ, N6TV, W9PA, YT3W, together with countless users for their continuous support,
improvement ideas, bug reporting, and perhaps most importantly, patience.

A special thanks to Ingo SM5AJV/SE5E for his tireless and detailed testing and feedback of DXLog as well as developing
the software for the always-up-to-date list of supported contests.

Finally, Björn SM7IUN, Jim M0CKE, and Ken K6MR are recognized for spending endless hours with this wiki.