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(Keyboard functions)
Line 177: Line 177:
| [Ctrl][Tab]
| [Ctrl][Tab]
| Toggle between Run and S&P mode (changes CW/Digi memory sets).
| Toggle Run/S&P mode for focused radio (also changes CW/Digi memory sets).
| [Shift][Ctrl][Tab]
| Toggle Run/S&P mode for not focused radio (also changes CW/Digi memory sets).
| [Ctrl][R]
| [Ctrl][R]

Revision as of 06:44, 10 May 2020

Keyboard functions

QSO Entry line
[Enter] Log a contact
[Spacebar] Move cursor between callsign entry and report fields.
[Left arrow] or [Ctrl][B] Move cursor one character to the left.
[Right arrow] or [Ctrl][F] Move cursor one character to the right.
[Home] or [Ctrl][A] Move cursor to the beginning of the field.
[End] or [Ctrl][E] Moves the cursor to the end of the field.
[Backspace] Delete the character located left of the cursor.
[Tab] Move cursor between sent RST and received number fields.
[>] Move cursor to next field in the main log.
[<] Move cursor to previous field in the main log.
[Del] or [Ctrl][D] Delete the character located under the cursor.
[F11] Clear all the fields of the current QSO, and puts the cursor into the callsign logging field.
[Alt][W] Clear QSO (like F11).
[Alt][F] Edit QSO date and time.
[Alt][N] Write a note regarding this QSO.
[Ctrl][W] Clear the current field, if report field is cleared, initialize RST.
[Ctrl][Z] Undo - restores edited QSO data to prior value (also menu:Edit->Restore_QSO).
[Ctrl][Left arrow] Like [Home].
[Ctrl][Right arrow] Like [End].
[Ctrl][+] or [Ctrl][Keypad Add] Silently log QSO.
Moving around the log
[Up arrow] Move one QSO up.
[Down arrow] Move one QSO down.
[PageUp] Move 10 QSOs up.
[PageDown] Move 10 QSOs down.
[Ctrl][G] Go to a specific QSO number.
[Ctrl][Home] Go to first QSO in log.
[Ctrl][End] Go to last QSO in log.
[Ctrl][PageDown] Go forward 24 hours.
[Ctrl][PageUp] Go back 24 hours.
[Ctrl][X] Toggles the X-QSO flag which invalidates the QSO, making it not count and export as X-QSO: line in Cabrillo.
[F1] Play message #1. CQ in Run. Callsign i S&P.
[Shift][Ctrl][F1] Shift focus to radio 1. Switch to Run. Play message #1. (Only in SO2R and SO2V). Run F1
[F2] Play message #2. Usually full report
[F3] Play message #3. Usually contest exchange e.g. serial number
[F4] Play message #4. Usually your call
[F5] Play message #5. Usually the logged callsign
[F6] Play message #6. Usually a request to repeat the exchange
[F7] Play message #7. Usually a single questionmark
[Insert] Play the message defined for this key. Usually the exchange
[+] or [Keypad Add] Play the message defined for this key. Usually conclusion and logging of QSO
[Esc] Interrupt message transmission.
[Alt][C] Send or modify additional messages.
[Alt][K] Toggle Keyboard mode.
[Ctrl][M] Toggle ESM - Enter Sends Message.
[Alt][V] Change CW speed (opens "CW-Speed" entry box).
[Alt][F9] Decrease CW speed by 2 WPM.
[Alt][F10] Increase CW speed by 2 WPM.
[Ctrl][F9] Contest period down (for applicable contests).
[Ctrl][F10] Contest period up (for applicable contests).
[Shift][F1..F7] Record messages #1 to #7 (SSB, if supported for the active DVK) or edit message #1 to #7 (CW, Digital).
[Shift][Insert] Record the message associated to the [Insert] key.
[Shift][+] Records the message associated to the [+] key.
[Ctrl][Tab] Toggle Run/S&P mode for focused radio (also changes CW/Digi memory sets).
[Shift][Ctrl][Tab] Toggle Run/S&P mode for not focused radio (also changes CW/Digi memory sets).
[Ctrl][R] Toggle CQ auto-repeat.
Windows - Open and Close.
[F8] N + 1 window.
[F9] Check call window.
[F10] Check Multipliers window.
[F12] Check Partials window.
[Alt][A] DX-Cluster Announcements window.
[Alt][B] Skeds window.
[Alt][E] Take a sked.
[Alt][I] Gab window.
[Alt][O] DX-Cluster Monitor window.
[Alt][P] Worked prefixes.
[Alt][R] Rate window.
[Alt][S] Summary window.
[Ctrl][F9] Statistics window.
Radio Control
[Alt][F1] QSY band down (In frequency, i.e. to a longer wavelength).
[Alt][F2] QSY band up (In frequency, i.e. to a shorter wavelength).
[Alt][F4] QSY back to CQ frequency.
[Ctrl][T] Tune the transmitter (on CW).
[Ctrl][F1] and [Ctrl][F2] Switch mode up and down (when the current contest permits).
[Shift][UpArrow] RIT adjustment up in Run, frequency adjustment up in S&P, as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][DownArrow] RIT adjustment down in Run, frequency adjustment down in S&P, as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][Delete] RIT clear.
[Alt][UpArrow] Frequency adjustment up as defined by band map orientation.
[Alt][DownArrow] Frequency adjustment down as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][Alt][UpArrow] Faster VFO adjustment up as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][Alt][DownArrow] Faster VFO adjustment down as defined by band map orientation.
[Ctrl][-] or [Ctrl][Keypad Subtract] Toggle receiver diversity/synchronization/tracking on supported radios.
[Ctrl][Alt][R] Resets and reinitializes all serial port and pipe connections to radios, keyers, SO2R devices etc
[Keypad Multiply] Switch active radio.
[-] or [Keypad Subtract] Enable Split Mode.
Antenna Control
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F1] Select Rx antenna 1.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F2] Select Rx antenna 2.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F3] Select Rx antenna 3.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F4] Select Rx antenna 4.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F5] Select Rx antenna 5.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F6] Select Rx antenna 6.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F7] Select Rx antenna 7.
[Alt][F11] Change RX antenna.
[Shift][Alt][F11] Change TX antenna.
[Ctrl][F12] Turn selected rotator to SP direction.
[Alt][F12] Turn selected rotator to LP direction.
[Ctrl][Enter] Insert spot into Band Map.
[Ctrl][Up arrow] Grab the first spot above in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Shift][Up arrow] Grab the first spot, which is a multiplier, above in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Alt][Up arrow] With option Operating\Bandmap\QSY Opposite radio instead of 2nd VFO checked: Grab the first spot above in the active bandmap and load it
in VFO A of other radio (SO1R, SO2R) or VFO B (SO2V). Otherwise: Grab the first spot above in the active bandmap and load it in VFO B in
active radio (SO1R, SO2R, not applicable in SO2V).
[Ctrl][Down arrow] Grab the first spot below in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Shift][Down arrow] Grab the first spot, which is a multiplier, below in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Alt][Down arrow] With option "Operating\Bandmap\QSY Opposite radio instead of 2nd VFO" checked: Grab the first spot below in the active bandmap and load it
in VFO A of other radio (SO1R, SO2R) or VFO B (SO2V). Otherwise: Grab the first spot below in the active bandmap and load it in VFO B in
active radio (SO1R, SO2R, not applicable in SO2V).
[Ctrl][Space] Grab the spot on or near the current frequency.
[Ctrl] DoubleClick on a spot Delete the spot without the warning window.
[Alt] DoubleClick on a spot Load the sub VFO with a spot frequency (if applicable).
DX-Cluster Announcements
[Ctrl] DoubleClick on a spot Delete the spot without the warning window.
[Alt] DoubleClick on a spot Load the sub VFO with a spot frequency (if applicable).
[Alt][T] Manually Send a spot or commands to the connected DX Cluster.
Networking and chat [Alt][D] Pass a station.
[Alt][G] Send a gab.
[Ctrl][Alt][G] Send a ON4KST message.
[Alt][I] Open/Close Gab Window.
[Alt][J] Display status of all stations in the network.
[Ctrl][Alt][1..8] Select scenario in SO2R Advanced.
[Ctrl][Shift][F1..F8] On-the-fly scenario editing.
[Ctrl][Alt][A] Listen to radio 1 in both ears in SO2R.
[Ctrl][Alt][T] Listen to radio 2 in both ears in SO2R.
[Ctrl][Alt][S] Toggle stereo in SO2R and SO2V with split.
[Ctrl][Alt][L] Listen to focused radio in both ears in SO2R.
[Ctrl][Alt][D] Toggle sub receiver permanently on in SO2V with split.
[Keypad Multiply] Switch focus.
Multi Operator
[Ctrl][F3] Toggle station type (RUN/Mult in M/S, Run1/Run2 in M/2).
[Ctrl][O] Login as operator. Erase entry text box to log off.
Contest recorder [Ctrl][Alt][Enter] Play QSO.
[Ctrl][Alt][Space] Pause playback.
Partner Mode [Comma] or [Keypad Decimal] Manual addition of one or several calls to the partner window.
[Alt][Enter] Add the call current call to the partner window.
[Alt][Space] Grab the call in the topmost "real time" line of the partner window. If empty, grab the top of the stack instead.
[Alt][Backpace] Clear everything in the partner window.
[Alt][1] - [9] Grab the nth call from the partner window.
[Ctrl][1] - [9] Replace the nth call in the partner window.
DoubleClick on a callsign Grab the call from the partner window.
Check Partials & N+1
[Alt][Y] Grab the top guess in Check Partials window.
DoubleClick on a callsign Grab the call.
Special Keys for WAE Contest [Alt][L] Open QTC RX window.
[Ctrl][L] Open QTC TX window.
[Ctrl][F8] Equivalent to F8 "AGN" but includes row number.
Morse Runner Specific
[Ctrl][Alt][Page Up] Morse Runner increase volume.
[Ctrl][Alt][Page Down] Morse Runner decrease volume.
[Ctrl][Alt][Right Arrow] Morse Runner increase bandwidth.
[Ctrl][Alt][Left Arrow] Morse Runner decrease bandwidth.
[Ctrl][Shift][Right Arrow] Morse Runner increase pitch.
[Ctrl][Shift][Left Arrow] Morse Runner decrease pitch.
[Shift][UpArrow] RIT + in Morse Runner.
[Shift][DownArrow] RIT - in Morse Runner.
[Shift][Delete] RIT clear in Morse Runner.

NB. During MorseRunner operation, text command SETUP will open MorseRunner configuration panel.

Text commands

CW and Digital Functions
CTSPACE Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Shortened spaces (CT spaces) [checked]
CWAUTO or AUTOCW Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Auto sending - Sets/disables autosending.
NOCTSPACE Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Shortened spaces (CT spaces) [unchecked]
FULLABBREV Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Abbreviated
PROABBREV Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Pro
SEMIABBREV Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Half abbreviated
NOABBREV Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Not abbreviated
ESM or ESMON Enable Enter Sends Message Mode; equivalent to: Tools | Data Entry | Enable ESM [checked]
NOESM or ESMOFF Disable Enter Sends Message Mode; equivalent to: Tools | Data Entry | Enable ESM [unchecked]
LZ Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Leading zeros [checked]
NOLZ Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Leading zeros [unchecked]
MSGS or MESSAGES Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Modify standard messages
RPT Equivalent to: Tools | Repeat Loop [checked]
NORPT Equivalent to: Tools | Repeat Loop [unchecked]
SOUND Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | No sound [unchecked]
NOSOUND Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | No sound [checked]
SYNCCW/NOSYNCCW Enable/disable cw speed syncing between radio/VFO (SO2R and SO2V)
SYNCSPEED Sync other radio/VFO CW speed with focused radio/VFO (SO2R and SO2V)
WKSETUP or WKEY Equivalent to: Options | WinKey configuration
Operating and logging
CW, SSB, LSB, USB, AM, FM Set mode
WORKDUPE or WORKDUPEON Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Work dupes [checked]
The normal exchange will be sent also to dupes.
NOWORKDUPE or WORKDUPEOFF Equivalent to: Options | CW/DIGI | Work dupes [unchecked]
Causes the $QSOB4 message to be sent to all dupes when, for example,
when the [Insert] key is programmed as $LOGGEDCALL $QSOB4 $GUESSEXCH $F2
RUNSP or RUNSPON Equivalent to: Tools | Data entry | Enable Run/SP switching [checked]
NORUNSP or RUNSPOFF Equivalent to: Tools | Data entry | Enable Run/SP switching [unchecked]
AUTORSPON or AUTORSP Equivalent to: Tools | Data entry | Enable automatic Run/SP selection [checked]
AUTORSPOFF or NOAUTRSP Equivalent to: Tools | Data entry | Enable automatic Run/SP selection [unchecked]
Multi Operator
MULT Equivalent to: Commands | Station type | Mult
OPON or LOGIN Log in as an operator
OPOFF or LOGOUT Log out as an operator
RUN1 Equivalent to: Commands | Station type | Run 1
RUN2 Equivalent to: Commands | Station type | Run 2
RUN Equivalent to: Commands | Station type | Run
Open/Close/Database Functions
AUTORELOAD Equivalent to: Options | Load contest at startup [checked]
NOAUTORELOAD Equivalent to: Options | Load contest at startup | [unchecked]
BYE or QUIT or EXIT Equivalent to: File | Quit
CLEARLOG Equivalent to: Edit | Delete all QSO
CLEARLOGNOW Equivalent to: CLEARLOG, but does not ask for confirmation
CLOSE Equivalent to: File | Close
COPYLOG Save a copy of the current log file in the current log directory with a timestamp added to its name
COPYLOGCLEAR Equivalent to the COPYLOG but with data truncation. Exact function is TBD.
NEW Equivalent to: File | New
OPEN Equivalent to: File | Open
POSTCONTEST Equivalent to: Edit | Postcontest mode [checked]
NOPOSTCONTEST Equivalent to: Edit | Postcontest mode [unchecked]
RELOAD or REOPEN Reopens the current opened log
RELOADNOW or REOPENNOW Reopens the current opened log, without the contest configuration dialog
WRITELOG or MAKELOG Equivalent to: File | Creating log files - Create Cabrillo log file
Other Functions
CTYFILES or COUNTRYFILES Equivalent to: Options | Data files | Country files
DEBUGCAT Toggle debug logging of radio 1 CAT interface
DEBUGRCAT For selected radio models read a simulated response from the
radio as CAT communication from CATRX.bin file.
DEFINEKEYS Equivalent to: Options | Redefine keyboard keys
VER or VERSION Equivalent to: Help | About - Display the about panel
SETUP Equivalent to: Options | Configure Interfaces
During MorseRunner simulation it opens MorseRunner setup
NET or NETON/NONET or NETOFF Enable/disable network communications
NETCONFIG Equivalent to: Options | Configure network
ILOCK or ILOCKON Enable DXLog software interlock
NOILOCK or ILOCKOFF Disable DXLog software interlock
REMOTE Equivalent to: Commands | Remote commands
RESET Closes and re-opens serial port and pipe connections to radios, keyers, SO2R devices etc