Keyboard and text functions

Revision as of 05:04, 19 February 2018 by M0cke (talk | contribs) (QSO Entry line)
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Keyboard functions

QSO Entry line

 [Enter] : Log a contact
 [Spacebar] : Move cursor between callsign entry and report fields
 [Left arrow] or [Ctrl][B] : Move cursor one character to the left
 [Right arrow] or [Ctrl][F] : Move cursor one character to the right
 [Home] or [Ctrl][A] : Move cursor to the beginning of the field 
 [End] or [Ctrl][E] : Moves the cursor to the end of the field
 [Backspace] : Delete the character located left of the cursor
 [Tab] : Move cursor between sent RST and received number fields
 [>] : Move cursor to next field in the main log.
 [<] : Move cursor to previous field in the main log.
 [Del] or [Ctrl][D] : Delete the character located under the cursor
 [F11] : Clear all the fields of the current QSO, and puts the cursor into the callsign logging field
 [Alt][W] : Clear QSO (like F11)
 [Alt][F] : Edit QSO date and time
 [Alt][N] : Write a note regarding this QSO
 [Ctrl][W]: Clear the current field, if report field is cleared, initialise RST
 [Ctrl][Z] : Undo - restores edited QSO data to prior value (see Menu:Edit#Restore_QSO)
 [Ctrl][Left arrow] : Like [Home]
 [Ctrl][Right arrow] : Like [End]
 [SHIFT][ENTER] : Silent log QSO in ESM mode

Moving around the log

Warning: Moving the cursor in the log will validate any changes made in the previous log field

 [Up arrow]: Move one QSO up
 [Down arrow]: Move one QSO down
 [PageUp]: Move 10 QSOs up
 [PageDown]: Move 10 QSOs down
 Ctrl-G: Go to a specific QSO number
 Ctrl-Home: Go to first QSO in log
 Ctrl-End: Go to last QSO in log
 Ctrl-PageDown: Go forward 24 hours
 Ctrl-PageUp: Go back 24 hours

Message keys

Run & S&P can have different information set to send

 [F1]: Play message #1. Usually CQ
 [F2]: Play message #2. Usually full sent report
 [F3]: Play message #3. Usually the serial number sent
 [F4]: Play message #4. Usually your call
 [F5]: Play message #5. Usually the logged callsign
 [F6]: Play message #6 (CW / DATA only)
 [F7]: Play message #7 (CW / DATA only)
 [Insert]: Play the message defined for this key (CW / DATA only)
 [+]: Play the message defined for this key (CW / DATA only)
 [Esc]: Stop the output message instantly
 Alt-K: Toggle Keyboard mode
 Alt-C: Send or modify additional messages
 Alt-V: Change CW speed (opens "CW-Speed" entry box)
 Alt-F9: Decrease CW speed by 2 WPM
 Alt-F10: Increase CW speed by 2 WPM
 Shift-F1...Shift-F7: Record messages #1 to #7
 Shift-Insert: Record the message associated to the [Insert] key
 Shift-+: Records the message associated to the [+] key
 Ctrl-Tab: Toggle between Run and S&P mode (changes CW / DATA memories)

Windows - Open and Close

 [F8]: N + 1 Window
 [F9]: Check call Window
 [F10]: Check Multipliers Window
 [F12]: Check Partials Window
 Alt-A: DX-Cluster Announcements Window
 Alt-B: Skeds Window
 Alt-E: Take a sked
 Alt-I: Gab Window
 Alt-O: DX-Cluster Monitor Window
 Alt-P: Worked Prefixes
 Alt-R: Rate Window
 Alt-S: Summary Window
 Ctrl-F9: Statistics Window

Radio Control

 [*]: Switch active radio. This only works with the [*] key on the numeric keypad.
 Alt-: : Switch active radio
 Alt-F1: QSY band down (20 => 40 => ...)
 Alt-F2: QSY band up (20 => 15 => ...)
 Alt-F4: QSY back to run frequency
 Ctrl-T: Tune the transmitter (on CW)
 Ctrl-F1 and Ctrl-F2: Switch mode (when the contest permits and mode=MIXED or ALL)
 Shift-UpArrow: RIT +
 Shift-DownArrow: RIT -
 Shift-Delete: RIT Clear


 Alt-A: DX-Cluster Announcements Window
 Alt-O: DX-Cluster Monitor Window
 Alt-T: Talk to DX-Cluster
 Alt-F3: Send Spot

Band Map

 Ctrl-Enter: Insert spot into Band Map
 Ctrl-Up arrow: Grab the first upper spot in the active Band Map (in frequency regarding the active radio)
 Ctrl-Shift-Up arrow: Grab the first upper spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio), even if it is a 0-pointer
 Ctrl-Down arrow: Grab the first lower spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio)
 Ctrl-Shift-Down arrow: Grab the first lower spot in the active bandmap (in frequency regarding the active radio), even if it is a 0-point station
 Ctrl-Space: Grab the spot on or near the current frequency
 Ctrl-DoubleClick on a spot: Delete the spot without the warning window
 Alt-DoubleClick on a spot: Load the sub VFO with a spot frequency (if applicable)

DX-Cluster Announcements

 Ctrl-DoubleClick on a spot: Delete the spot without the warning window
 Alt-DoubleClick on a spot: Load the sub VFO with a spot frequency (if applicable)


 Alt-D: Pass a station
 Alt-G: Send a gab
 Alt-I: Open/Close Gab Window
 Alt-J: Display status of all stations in the network

Multi Operator

 Alt-Y: Toggle current QSO's station type from RUN (R1) to MULT (M) in the M/S category, or from RUN1 (R1) to RUN2 (R2) in M/2 category,
and vice versa. If the cursor is on the logging line rather than a previously logged QSO when you press this key, the station type is changed for all new QSOs
logged on that computer, i.e. it is equivalent to entering the text commands RUN/MULT or RUN1/RUN2. See Menu: Commands | Station Type. Ctrl-F3: Toggle current QSO (same as Alt-Y)

Partner Mode

 Alt-Enter: Add the call current call to the partner window
 Alt-Space: Grab the call in the topmost "real time" line of the partner window
 Alt-Backpace: Clear everything in the partner window
 Alt-1...Alt-9: Grab the nth call from the partner window
 DoubleClick on a callsign: Grab the call from the partner window

Special Keys

 Alt-L: Open QTC RX window
 Ctrl-L: Open QTC TX window

Text functions

CW Functions

 CTSPACE: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Shortened spaces (CT spaces) enabled
 NOCTSPACE: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Shortened spaces (CT spaces) disabled
 FULLABBREV: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Abbreviated
 PROABBREV: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Pro
 SEMIABBREV: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Half abbreviated
 NOABBREV: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Not abbreviated
 ESM: Enable Enter Sends Message Mode; equivalent to Tools | Data Entry | Enable ESM [checked]
 NOESM: Disable Enter Sends Message Mode; equivalent to Tools | Data Entry | Enable ESM [unchecked]
 LZ: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Leading zeros [checked]
 NOLZ: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Serial number | Leading zeros [unchecked]
 MSGS: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Modify standard messages...
 RPT: Equivalent to Tools | Repeat Loop [checked]
 NORPT: Equivalent to  Tools | Repeat Loop [unchecked]
 SOUND: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | No sound [unchecked]
 NOSOUND: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | No sound [checked]
 WORKDUPE: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Work dupes (checked). The normal exchange will be sent to all dupes;
the $QSOB4 message variable will be ignored. NOWORKDUPE: Equivalent to Options | CW/DIGI | Work dupes (unchecked). Causes the $QSOB4 message to be sent to all dupes instead
of the exchange, for example, when the [Insert] key is programmed as $LOGGEDCALL $QSOB4 $GUESSEXCH $F2 SYNCCW/NOSYNCCW: enable/disable cw speed syncing (SO2R) SYNCSPEED: sync non-active radio cw speed to active radio speed (SO2R)

Multi Operating

 MULT: Equivalent to Commands | Station type | Mult
 OPON (or LOGIN): Log in as an operator
 OPOFF (or LOGOUT): Log out as an operator
 RUN1: Equivalent to Commands | Station type | Run 1
 RUN2: Equivalent to Commands | Station type | Run 2
 RUN: Equivalent to Commands | Station type | Run

Open/Close/Database Functions

 AUTORELOAD or NOAUTORELOAD: Equivalent to Options | Load contest at startup | Enabled.
 BYE: Equivalent to File | Quit.
 CLEARLOG: Equivalent to Edit | Delete all QSO.
 CLEARLOGNOW: Equivalent to CLEARLOG, but doesn't ask for confirmation. Use with caution!
 CLOSE: Equivalent to File | Close.
 COPYLOG: Save a copy of the current log file in the current log directory with a timestamp added to its name.
 COPYLOGCLEAR: Equivalent to the COPYLOG command immediately followed by a CLEARLOG command.
 NEW: Equivalent to File | New.
 OPEN: Equivalent to File | Open.
 QUIT: Equivalent to File | Quit.
 RELOAD: Reopens the current opened file.
 RELOADNOW:  Reopens the current opened file, but does not display the contest configuration dialog.
 RESTART: Restarts
 WRITELOG (or MAKELOG): Equivalent to File | Creating log files.

Other Functions

 CTYFILES or COUNTRYFILES: Eq. to Options | Data files | Country files...
 DEFINEKEYS: Equivalent to Options | Redefine keyboard keys
 NORUNSP: Disable RUN/S&P-Switchting
 RUNSP: Enable RUN/S&P-Switchting
 RUNSPON: Enable RUN/S&P-Switchting
 AUTORSPON/AUTORSPOFF: Auto Run/S&P switching on/off
 AUTORSP/NOAUTORSP: Auto Run/S&P switching on/off
 SETUP: Equivalent to Options | Configure Interfaces
 NET/NONET: enable/disable network communications
 NETCONFIG: same as Options->Configure network
 ILOCK/NOILOCK: enable/disable software interlock