Keyboard and text functions

Revision as of 21:11, 27 February 2023 by Sm7iun (talk | contribs) (A note on shortcut keys)
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Keyboard functions

A note on shortcut keys

Since DXLog is a keyboard centric logger and has been designed to minimize the use of the mouse in a live
contesting situation, it makes makes use of a range of Ctrl, Alt, and Shift-modified key combinations.

Many computer and computer peripheral manufacturers reserve some such keys for special operations
and do not allow redefining them to make sure they are always available, also in "emergency" situations.
One such example is Ctrl-Alt-F8 which on many HP computers with Intel graphics cards resets the display driver.

You can always work around such limitations by using Tools|Redefine keyboard keys
, mapping an inaccessible key to one that you can actually press.

QSO Entry line

[Enter] Log a contact or send message with ESM enabled
[Spacebar] Move the cursor between entry fields, skipping RST fields
[Left arrow] or [Ctrl][B] Move cursor one character position to the left
[Right arrow] or [Ctrl][F] Move cursor one character position to the right
[Home] or [Ctrl][A] Move cursor to the beginning of the field
[End] or [Ctrl][E] Moves the cursor to the end of the field
[Backspace] Move cursor one step left, deleting a character
[Tab] Move the cursor between entry fields, including RST fields
[>] Move cursor to the next entry field
[<] Move cursor to the previous entry field
[Del] or [Ctrl][D] Delete the character in the current character location
[F11] or [Alt][W] Clear all the fields of the current QSO, and put the cursor into the callsign logging field.
[Alt][F] Edit QSO date and time
[Alt][N] Enter QSO notes
[Ctrl][C] Copy callsign
[Ctrl][K] Delete all characters under and to the right of the cursor
[Ctrl][V] Paste a copied callsign
[Ctrl][W] Clear/initialize the current field
[Ctrl][Z] Undo edits of a QSO. Equivalent to Edit|Restore QSO
[Ctrl][Left arrow] Like [Home]
[Ctrl][Right arrow] Like [End]
[Ctrl][+] or [Ctrl][Keypad Add] Silently log QSO
[Ctrl][Alt][+] or [Ctrl][Alt][Keypad Add] Force the logging of a QSO (or saving of a modified QSO in the log),
disregarding all validity checks of callsign and exchange.

Navigating the log

[Up arrow] Move one QSO up
[Down arrow] Move one QSO down
[PageUp] Move 10 QSOs up
[PageDown] Move 10 QSOs down
[Ctrl][G] Go to a specific QSO number
[Ctrl][Home] Go to first QSO in log
[Ctrl][End] Go to last QSO in log
[Ctrl][PageDown] Go forward 24 hours
[Ctrl][PageUp] Go back 24 hours
[Ctrl][X] Toggles the X-QSO flag which invalidates the QSO, making it not count and export as X-QSO line in Cabrillo


[F1] Send/play message #1. CQ in Run. Callsign i S&P.
[Shift][Ctrl][F1] In SO2V and SO2R: Shift focus to radio 1. Switch to Run. Send/play message #1.
In SO1R and SO2R Advanced: Send/play message #1.
Run F1
[F2] Send/play message #2. Normally the full exchange including signal report.
[F3] Send/play message #3. Normally only the contest exchange e.g. serial number.
[F4] Send/play message #4. Normally your call.
[F5] Send/play message #5. Normally the logged callsign.
[F6] Send/play message #6. Normally a request to repeat the exchange.
[F7] Send/play message #7. Normally a single question mark.
[Insert] Send/play the message defined for this key. Normally the full exchange including signal report
[+] or [Keypad Add] Send/play the message defined for this key. Usually conclusion and logging of QSO
[Esc] Interrupt message transmission.
[Alt][C] Send or modify additional messages.
[Alt][K] Toggle Keyboard mode.
[Ctrl][M] Toggle ESM - Enter Sends Message.
[Alt][V] Change CW speed (opens "CW-Speed" entry box).
[Alt][F9] Decrease CW speed by 2 WPM.
[Alt][F10] Increase CW speed by 2 WPM.
[Ctrl][F10] Switch to the previous period for contests with periods.
[Ctrl][F11] Switch to the next period for contests with periods.
[Shift][F1..F7] Record messages #1 to #7 (SSB, if supported for the active DVK)
or edit message #1 to #7 (CW, Digital).
[Shift][Insert] Record the message associated to the [Insert] key.
[Shift][+] Records the message associated to the [+] key.
[Ctrl][Tab] Toggle Run/S&P mode for the currently focused radio (also changes CW/Digi memory sets).
[Shift][Ctrl][Tab] Toggle Run/S&P mode for not focused radio (also changes CW/Digi memory sets).
[Ctrl][R] Toggle CQ auto-repeat.


[F8] Check N + 1
[F9] Check call
[F10] Check Multipliers
[F12] Check Partials
[Alt][A] DX-Cluster Announcements
[Alt][B] Skeds
[Alt][I] Gab/Chat
[Alt][L] Worked Gridsquares
[Alt][M] Worked DXCC
[Alt][J] Network Status
[Alt][O] DX-Cluster Monitor
[Alt][P] Worked Prefixes
[Alt][R] Rate
[Alt][S] Summary
[Ctrl][F9] Statistics
[Shift][Alt][Ctrl][Home] Toggle the Brako visual profile

Radio Control

[Alt][F1] QSY band down (In frequency, i.e. to a longer wavelength).
[Alt][F2] QSY band up (In frequency, i.e. to a shorter wavelength).
[Alt][F4] Toggles between the most recent CQ frequency and the frequency where you pressed the key last.
Switches to Run when returning to the CQ frequency.
[Shift][Alt][F4] QSY back to most recent CQ frequency and switch to Run.
[Ctrl][F4] Equalize both VFO on focused radio.
[Ctrl][T] Tune the transmitter (on CW).
[Ctrl][F1] and [Ctrl][F2] Switch mode up and down (when the current contest permits).
[Shift][UpArrow] RIT adjustment up in Run, frequency adjustment up in S&P, as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][DownArrow] RIT adjustment down in Run, frequency adjustment down in S&P, as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][Delete] RIT clear.
[Alt][UpArrow] Frequency adjustment up as defined by band map orientation.
[Alt][DownArrow] Frequency adjustment down as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][Alt][UpArrow] Larger VFO adjustment up as defined by band map orientation.
[Shift][Alt][DownArrow] Larger VFO adjustment down as defined by band map orientation.
[Ctrl][-] or [Ctrl][Keypad Subtract] Toggle receiver diversity/synchronization/tracking on supported radios.
[Ctrl][Alt][R] Resets and reinitializes all serial port and pipe connections to radios, keyers, SO2R devices etc
[-] or [Keypad Subtract] Enable Split Mode. Opens a panel to enter the transmit frequency.

Antenna Control

[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F1] Select Rx antenna 1.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F2] Select Rx antenna 2.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F3] Select Rx antenna 3.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F4] Select Rx antenna 4.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F5] Select Rx antenna 5.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F6] Select Rx antenna 6.
[Shift][Ctrl][Alt][F7] Select Rx antenna 7.
[Alt][F11] Change RX antenna.
[Shift][Alt][F11] Change TX antenna.
[Ctrl][F12] Turn selected rotator to SP direction.
[Alt][F12] Turn selected rotator to LP direction.


[Ctrl][Enter] Insert spot into bandmap.
[Ctrl][Delete] Deletes the currently highlighted spot in the bandmap. If the highlighted spot is not workable, deletes the closest workable spot.
[Ctrl][Up arrow] Grab the first spot above in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Shift][Up arrow] Grab the first spot, which is a multiplier, above in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Alt][Up arrow] With option Operating|Bandmap|QSY Opposite radio instead of 2nd VFO checked: Grab the first valid
spot above the other radio's current frequency into the other radio's entry line. (Bandmap or list mode view).
Otherwise: QSY VFO B to the first spot above the current VFO B frequency. (Thermometer view only.)
[Ctrl][Down arrow] Grab the first spot below in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Shift][Down arrow] Grab the first spot, which is a multiplier, below in the active bandmap and load it in VFO A in active radio (SO1R, SO2R) or active VFO (SO2V).
[Ctrl][Alt][Down arrow] With option Operating|Bandmap|QSY Opposite radio instead of 2nd VFO checked: Grab the first valid
spot below the other radio's current frequency into the other radio's entry line. (Bandmap or list mode view).
Otherwise: QSY VFO B to the first spot below the current VFO B frequency. (Thermometer view only.)
[Ctrl][Space] Grab the spot on or near the current frequency.

DX Cluster

[Alt][T] Send a command to the connected DX cluster.
[Alt][F3] Create a DX cluster spot.
[Ctrl][S] Create a DX cluster spot of own station.

Networking and chat

[Alt][D] Pass a station.
[Alt][E] Take a sked
[Alt][G] Send a gab/chat message.
[Ctrl][Alt][G] Send a ON4KST message.
[Ctrl][Alt][P] Set pass frequency.

SO2R and SO2V

[Arrow Up] or [Arrow Down] Switch focus. If focusing radio 1, [Arrow Up] will move to the most recent QSO in the log
[Ctrl][Alt][1..8] Select scenario in SO2R Advanced
[Ctrl][Shift][F1..F8] On-the-fly scenario editing in SO2R Advanced
[Ctrl][Alt][A] Listen to radio 1 in both ears in SO2R
[Ctrl][Alt][T] Listen to radio 2 in both ears in SO2R.
[Ctrl][Alt][S] Toggle listen to both radios
[Ctrl][Alt][L] Listen to focused radio in both ears in SO2R
[Ctrl][Alt][D] Toggle sub receiver permanently on in SO2V
[Keypad Multiply] Single keyboard: Switch active radio (SO2R) or VFO (SO1R and SO2V)
Dual keyboard: Select active radio (SO2R) or VFO (SO2V)
[Alt][Keypad Multiply] SO1R/SO2V: Swap frequency and mode between VFO
SO2R: Swap frequency and mode of active VFO between radios
[Keypad Divide] Single keyboard: Switch focus of VFO knob in SO2V
Dual keyboard: Select focus of VFO knob in SO2V


[Ctrl][F3] Toggle station type (RUN/Mult in M/S, Run1/Run2 in M/2).
[Ctrl][O] Login as operator. Enter nothing to log off.

Contest recorder

[Ctrl][Alt][Enter] Play QSO.
[Ctrl][Alt][Space] Pause playback.

Partner or Search & Pounce windows

[Comma] or [Keypad Decimal] Manual addition of one or several calls to the stack.
Will grab the top callsign from the stack if callsign field
in entry line is empty.
[Alt][Enter] Add the call current call to the callsign stack.
[Alt][Space] Grab the call in the topmost "real time" line of the partner window.
If empty, grab the top of the stack instead.
If stack is empty and digital mode, grab the most recently highlighted call.
[Alt][Delete] Clear top entry in the partner/S&P window.
[Alt][Backpace] Clear everything in the partner/S&P window.
[Alt][1] - [9] Grab the nth call from the partner/S&P window.
[Ctrl][1] - [9] Replace the nth call in the partner/S&P window.
DoubleClick on a callsign Grab the call, and if S&P, also QSY to the frequency.

Check Partials & Check N+1

[Alt][Y] Grab the top guess in Check Partials window.
DoubleClick on a callsign Grab the call.

Special Keys for WAE Contest

[Alt][L] Open and close QTC receive window (for European stations).
[Alt][S] Save current QTC.
[Ctrl][L] Open and close QTC send window (for non-European stations).
[Ctrl][F8] When receiving QTC - equivalent to F8 "AGN" but includes row number.
[Alt][V] Set CW speed for QTC traffic.

Morse Runner

[Ctrl][Alt][Page Up] Increase volume
[Ctrl][Alt][Page Down] Decrease volume
[Ctrl][Alt][Right Arrow] Increase bandwidth
[Ctrl][Alt][Left Arrow] Decrease bandwidth
[Ctrl][Shift][Right Arrow] Increase pitch
[Ctrl][Shift][Left Arrow] Decrease pitch
[Shift][UpArrow] RIT+ (decreases pitch of received signals)
[Shift][DownArrow] RIT- (increases pitch of received signals)
[Shift][Delete] RIT clear

NB. During MorseRunner operation, text command SETUP will open MorseRunner configuration panel.

Text commands

CW and Digital Functions

CTSPACE Make CW word spacing 6 dits.
Equivalent to: <tt><b><nowiki>Options|CW/Digi|Shortened spaces (CT spaces) [checked]
NOCTSPACE Make CW word spacing 7 dits.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Shortened spaces (CT spaces) [unchecked]
CWAUTO or AUTOCW Configures and sets or disable auto-sending.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Auto sending
NOCWAUTO or NOAUTOCW Disables auto-sending.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Auto sending
FULLABBREV Set full CW abbreviation.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Serial number|Abbreviated
PROABBREV Set pro CW abbreviation.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Serial number|Pro
SEMIABBREV Set half CW abbreviation.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Serial number|Half abbreviated
NOABBREV Disable CW abbreviation.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Serial number|Not abbreviated
ESM or ESMON Enable Enter Sends Message Mode.
Equivalent to: Tools|Data Entry|Enable ESM [checked]
NOESM or ESMOFF Disable Enter Sends Message Mode.
Equivalent to: Tools|Data Entry|Enable ESM [unchecked]
QQSL Open the Intelligent Quick QSL configuration panel.
Equivalent to: Tools|Intelligent quick QSL
MSGS or MESSAGES Open standard messages configuration panel.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|Modify standard messages
RPT Enable CQ repeat and open its configuration panel.
Equivalent to: Tools|Repeat Loop [checked]
NORPT Disable CQ repeat.
Equivalent to: Tools|Repeat Loop [unchecked]
SOUND Enable side tone for DXLog's internal keyer.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|No sound [unchecked]
NOSOUND Disable side tone for DXLog's internal keyer.
Equivalent to: Options|CW/Digi|No sound [checked]
SYNCCW and NOSYNCCW Enable and disable automatic CW speed synchronization between radio/VFO (SO2R and SO2V).
Equivalent to Options|CW/Digi|Enable different R1/R2 speed
SYNCSPEED Set the other radio/VFO CW speed to same speed as the currently focused radio (SO2R and SO2V).
WKSETUP or WKEY Open the Winkey configuration panel.
Equivalent to: Options|WinKey configuration

Operating and logging

CW, SSB, LSB, USB, AM, FM Set the focused radio's operating mode
WORKDUPE or WORKDUPEON Equivalent to checking: Options|CW/Digi|Work dupes
The normal exchange will be sent also to dupes.
NOWORKDUPE or WORKDUPEOFF Equivalent to unchecking: Options|CW/Digi|Work dupes
Causes the $QSOB4 message to be sent to all dupes when, for example,
when the [Insert] key is programmed as $LOGGEDCALL $QSOB4 $GUESSEXCH $F2
RUNSP or RUNSPON Allow switching between Run and S&P.
Equivalent to checking: Tools|Data entry|Enable Run/SP switching
NORUNSP or RUNSPOFF Disallow switching between Run and S&P.
Equivalent to unchecking: Tools|Data entry|Enable Run/SP switching
AUTORSPON or AUTORSP Allow automatic switching between Run and S&P.
Equivalent to checking: Tools|Data entry|Enable automatic Run/SP selection
AUTORSPOFF or NOAUTRSP Disallow automatic switching between Run and S&P.
Equivalent to unchecking: Tools|Data entry|Enable automatic Run/SP selection

Multi Operator

MULT Equivalent to: Commands|Station type|Mult
OPON or LOGIN Log in as an operator
OPOFF or LOGOUT Log out as an operator
RUN1 Equivalent to: Commands|Station type|Run 1
RUN2 Equivalent to: Commands|Station type|Run 2
RUN Equivalent to: Commands|Station type|Run

Open/Close/Database Functions

AUTORELOAD Equivalent to: Options|Load contest at startup [checked]
NOAUTORELOAD Equivalent to: Options|Load contest at startup [unchecked]
BYE or EXIT or QUIT Exits DXLog after a confirmation prompt. Equivalent to: File|Quit
EXITNOW or QUITNOW Exits DXLog without prompting.
CLEARLOG Deletes all QSO in the current log. Equivalent to: Edit|Delete all QSO
CLEARLOGNOW CAUTION! Deletes all QSO in the log without asking for confirmation.
CLOSE Equivalent to: File|Close.
COPYLOG Save a backup copy of the current log file in the current log
directory with a timestamp added to its name
COPYLOGCLEAR Equivalent to COPYLOG but with data truncation. Exact function is unclear.
NEW Create a new log. Equivalent to: File|New
OPEN Open an existing log file. Equivalent to: File|Open
POSTCONTEST Enter postcontest mode. Equivalent to: Edit|Postcontest mode [checked]
NOPOSTCONTEST Exit postcontest mode. Equivalent to: Edit|Postcontest mode [unchecked]
RELOAD Opens the contest configuration panel and reloads the current log,
contest definitions, and scripts.
RELOADNOW Reloads the current log, contest definition, and scripts.
REOPEN Opens the contest configuration panel and refreshes log.
REOPENNOW Refreshes log.
SENDLOG Offers to upload the log to the Super Check Partial database.
WRITELOG or MAKELOG Exports the log to a file in Cabrillo or EDI format depending of type of contest.
WRITELOGA or MAKELOGA Exports the log to a file in Cabrillo or EDI format depending of type of contest.
Uses plain ASCII and does not support international characters.

Other Functions

CTYFILES or COUNTRYFILES Open country file configuration panel.
Equivalent to: Options|Data files|Country files
DEBUGCAT Toggle debug mode for radio 1 CAT interface.
Logs all sent data in CATTX_1.bin.
Reads responses from CATRX_1.bin.
DEBUGRCAT No function implemented.
DEFINEKEYS Opens key redefinition panel.
Equivalent to: Options|Redefine keyboard keys
ILOCK or ILOCKON Enable DXLog software interlock.
MORSERUNNER or MRUNNER Toggle morserunner simulation.
NETON or NET Enable networking.
NETOFF or NONET Disable networking.
NETCONFIG Open network configuration panel.
Equivalent to: Options|Configure network
NOILOCK or ILOCKOFF Disable DXLog software interlock.
REMOTE Open remote command execution panel.
Equivalent to: Commands|Remote commands
RESET Resets all serial ports and pipe connections
to radios, keyers, SO2R devices etc.
SETUP Open interface configuration panel unless during
MorseRunner where it opens MorseRunner setup.
Equivalent to: Options|Configure Interfaces
SPOTME Spots own station on the DX cluster. Does nothing for contests not allowing self-spotting.
SWAP SO1R/SO2V: Swap frequency and mode between VFO
SO2R: Swap frequency and mode of active VFO between radios
SUPERSIM or SUPERS Toggles simulation with Contest Super Simulator.
VER or VERSION Display the about panel. Equivalent to: Help|About