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Revision as of 11:11, 14 December 2012 by 9a5k (talk | contribs) (CW)
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  • No sound

Text command: SOUND / NOSOUND
Turns on or off CW monitor sound.
If smart keyer (WinKey) is configured on any of interfaces, this function doesn't produce the sound.

  • Speed

Shortcut: ALT+F9 Decrease CW speed by 2 WPM.
Shortcut: ALT+F10 Increase CW speed by 2 WPM.

  • Repeat loop

Text command: RPT / NORPT
Turns on or off CQ repeat loop function.
After pressing F1 (CQ memory) and when message is transmitted, loop will wait for n sec and if there isn't any key pressed in qso callsign field (or esc key), after n sec period is exceeded, content of F1 memory will be transmitted again automatically.
Repeat loop status function is visible in Rate window, if it is activated.
Also, if during transmitting of message any key is pressed in callsign qso filed (or esc key is pressed), transmit stops immediately and repeat loop is deactivated. It will be automatically activated again when F1 key is pressed.

  • Serial number

Choose serial number abbreviation type when sending CW.

Configure interfaces

Configure network

Network is enabled

RTTY configuration

DX cluster

Data files




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