[DXLog.net - Support] Fwd: RSGB Club Championships (Data Modes)

John Warburton G4IRN qrz at dxdx.co.uk
Wed Jan 1 18:49:04 CET 2014

Ignore my last email, I've now found this contest under a separate 
contest type in the drop-down list.

John G4IRN.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RSGB Club Championships (Data Modes)
Date: 	Wed, 01 Jan 2014 15:35:46 +0000
From: 	John Warburton G4IRN <qrz at dxdx.co.uk>
To: 	support at dxlog.net

Happy New Year to everyone,

I see that the RSGB Club Championship contests are supported in DXLog 
for SSB and CW modes, however there is also a DATA modes contest - is it 
possible to add this please?

One point per contact. Valid modes are RTTY and PSK, each station can be 
worked on both modes (so a potential for 2 points from each station 
worked). The correct mode codes in the Cabrillo output file are RY and PS.

Full rules are here: http://www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2014/r80mcc.shtml

Many thanks Chris, keep up the good work!

73, John G4IRN.

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