Menu File
Text command: NEW
This menu option will create new DXLog log file in a folder of your choice.
It is recommended to use a separate folder for each contest.
For more information, see the getting started section.
Text command: OPEN
Opens an existing DXLog log file.
Text command: CLOSE
This menu item is only visible with an open log.
Closes the currently open contest file without closing the DXLog application.
Related text commands:
- Reloads the current contest log and displays the configuration form.
- Important: Will also reload scripts and contest definitions.
- Reloads the current contest log without displaying the configuration form.
- Important: Will also reload scripts and contest definitions.
With this option you can import QSO data from different sources.
Creates a new DXLog log from a Cabrillo file.
Only available when no log is open.
Creates a new DXLog log from a EDI log file. This is commonly used format for VHF/UHF/SHF contests.
Only available when no log is open.
This option is only enabled with an active DXLog log since an active contest's exchange
definition is required to correctly parse the ADIF.
Multiple files can be selected at import, with optional removal of duplicates and sorting.
Exports log information in a variety of formats.
Text command: WRITELOG or MAKELOG
Cabrillo is the most common contest log submission format. DXLog only supports Cabrillo 3.0.
Exports the log in Cabrillo format using UTF-8 encoding which permits the use of international characters in e.g. address fields.
If the contest's log robot has problem with international characters, use the ASCII export option.
If not disabled, the export action will also include an offer to upload the log file to the Super Check Partial database.
See Send log to Super Check Partial below.
QSO: 1800 CW 2015-03-30 1719 G2F 599 001 M0CHK 599 001 0 QSO: 1800 CW 2015-03-30 1719 G2F 599 002 ON1TH 599 002 0 QSO: 1800 CW 2015-03-30 1721 G2F 599 003 IK1RGT 599 019 0
Grid locator will be included if filled and/or if the contest uses it.
CATEGORY-OVERLAY will be included if not empty or disabled in the contest definition.
CATEGORY-TIME and CATEGORY-LOCATION will only be included if used by the contest.
SOAPBOX entries will have to be added manually to the exported file.
The use of CATEGORY-ASSISTED is disabled on some contests.
For more information about CATEGORY-BAND, see the contest configuration section.
Cabrillo (Plain ASCII)
The file created is in ASCII with ISO-8859 encoding which means many international characters
are not supported in the address and soapbox fields.
This option is maintained for compatibility reasons.
Send log to Super Check Partial
Text command: SENDLOG
Offers the option to donate the log to the Super Check Partial online database to improve the accuarcy of the Check Partials window.
Clicking this option re-enable the below dialog at Cabrillo exports.
- Clicking Yes or pressing Y will upload the log.
- Clicking No or pressing N will do nothing.
- Clicking Always or pressing A will upload the log every time a Cabrillo export is made without prompt.
- Clicking Never or pressing E will not upload the log and disable the prompt when a Cabrillo export is made.
Text command: WRITELOG or MAKELOG (For contests with no Cabrillo export defined)
This option will create new .EDI file from the current log. (Mostly V/U/SHF contest logs are submitted in this format).
[QSORecords;6] 200422;0901;ES2DZ;2;599;001;599;023;;KO29HI;799;;N;N; 200722;0907;ES2DI;2;599;002;599;002;;KO29HJ;801;;;; 200722;0928;ES2DF;2;599;003;599;002;;KO29GG;791;;;; 200722;0935;ES4RM;2;599;004;599;002;;KO49AL;984;;N;; 200722;0940;ES2AFF;2;599;005;599;002;;KO29EE;778;;;; 200722;0951;ES2NJ;2;599;006;599;002;;KO29NK;829;;;; [END; v2.4.28 by 9A5K]
This option will create new ADIF .ADI file from the current log.
This format is typically used to transfer to web sites or to a master log.
<QSO_DATE:8>20200919 <TIME_ON:6>135220 <TIME_OFF:6>135220 <STATION_CALLSIGN:6>SM7IUN <FREQ:7>14.0207 <BAND:3>20M <CONTEST_ID:6>SAC-CW <STX:3>102 <MODE:2>CW <CALL:4>N6AR <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <TX_PWR:3>500 <SRX:2>90 <OPERATOR:6>SM7IUN <APP_DXLOG_XQSO:1>N <EOR> <QSO_DATE:8>20200919 <TIME_ON:6>135447 <TIME_OFF:6>135447 <STATION_CALLSIGN:6>SM7IUN <FREQ:7>14.0207 <BAND:3>20M <CONTEST_ID:6>SAC-CW <STX:3>103<MODE:2>CW <CALL:4>N9NC <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <TX_PWR:3>500 <SRX:2>99 <OPERATOR:6>SM7IUN <APP_DXLOG_XQSO:1>N <EOR> <QSO_DATE:8>20200919 <TIME_ON:6>135501 <TIME_OFF:6>135501 <STATION_CALLSIGN:6>SM7IUN <FREQ:7>14.0207 <BAND:3>20M <CONTEST_ID:6>SAC-CW <STX:3>104 <MODE:2>CW <CALL:4>K3WW <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <TX_PWR:3>500 <SRX:3>129 <OPERATOR:6>SM7IUN <APP_DXLOG_XQSO:1>N <EOR> <QSO_DATE:8>20200919 <TIME_ON:6>135606 <TIME_OFF:6>135606 <STATION_CALLSIGN:6>SM7IUN <FREQ:7>14.0207 <BAND:3>20M <CONTEST_ID:6>SAC-CW <STX:3>105 <MODE:2>CW <CALL:4>LZ5R <RST_SENT:3>599 <RST_RCVD:3>599 <TX_PWR:3>500 <SRX:3>192 <OPERATOR:6>SM7IUN <APP_DXLOG_XQSO:1>N <EOR>
QSO comment and QSL message can be configured independently.
Checking the option "Include dupe/mult information" will add a COMMENT to each QSO record
including the QSO's multiplier and dupe status. Checking this option will disable the option
to add a custom QSO comment.
Checking the option "include X-QSO" will include also QSO marked invalid (a.k.a. X-QSO) in the export and all
QSO records will include the application specific keys APP_DXLOG_XQSO and APP_N1MM_CLAIMEDQSO.
APP_DXLOG_XQSO has the value of "Y" for invalid QSO and "N" for valid QSO.
APP_N1MM_CLAIMEDQSO has the value of "0" for invalid QSO and "1" and for valid QSO.
DXLog will recognize this key at import to preserve the X-QSO status for each QSO in the log.
There is also an option to export only part of the log. The end time will be saved and used
as the new start time next time you export.
For compatibility with, for instance, ClubLog, and other online services truncating QSO to full
minutes, there is an option to do the same.
There is also an option to export ADIF with minial data to reduce file size to less than half.
Contest list
This option will create comma-separated .TXT file with a listing of all supported contest.
Each line contains three elements; the contest group, the contest name, and the live score contest name.
Cabrillo contest names containing {MODE} will have this replaced by the contest entry's mode when used.
Morse Runner database
This option will create new Morse Runner database from the currently loaded Super Check Partials database (MASTER.SCP).
YO6KGS;20 DM5KB;14 RK9KWI;17 RV3NJ;16 UA6HML;16 RW3AJX;16 TA4/OH2KW;20
Tab-delimited text
This option will create a tab-delimited .TXT file from the current log.
The first line is a header. The second line contains the column names. The third line and onwards are the QSO.
Since the length of the column headings and the QSO data may be longer than one tab step,
the text file may look misaligned when viewed in a normal text editor.
Log for IARU HF Championship exported from v2.5.19 in tab delimited format IDQSO QSOTime Callsign Band Freq Mode SRST Nr RRST Rcvd Rec1 Rec2 Rec3 Stn Operator StnID Points Mult1 Mult2 Mult3 WPX DXCC CQZ ITUZ 1 2021-07-10 13:22:07 LZ5R 15 21008.54 CW 599 1 599 28 R SM7IUN_B 3 28 LZ5 LZ 20 28 2 2021-07-10 13:22:42 NO9E 15 21010.66 CW 599 2 599 08 R SM7IUN_B 5 08 NO9 K 03 06 3 2021-07-10 13:23:19 LZ0HQ 15 21000.22 CW 599 3 599 BFRA R SM7IUN_B 1 BFRA*LZ LZ0 LZ 20 28 4 2021-07-10 13:23:44 II3R 15 21004.98 CW 599 4 599 28 R SM7IUN_B 3 II3 I 15 28 5 2021-07-10 13:24:20 KO7SS 15 21007.70 CW 599 5 599 08 R SM7IUN_B 5 KO7 K 03 06
Excel CSV
This option will create a .CSV file compatible with Microsoft Excel from the current log.
The first line contains the column names. The second line and onwards are the QSO.
To secure compatibility with Microsoft Excel, the file always use the list delimiter,
time format, and number format from the computer's regional settings.
Important: Due to Microsoft's infinite wisdom, a file exported on a computer with
one locale may not open correctly in Excel on another computer with a different locale.
Example for a European locale with ISO time format, comma as decimal separator, and semicolon as list separator:
IDQSO;QSOTime;Callsign;Band;Freq;Mode;SRST;Nr;RRST;Rcvd;Rec1;Rec2;Rec3;Stn;Operator;StnID;Points;Mult1;Mult2;Mult3;WPX;DXCC;CQZ;ITUZ 1;2021-07-10 13:22:07;LZ5R;15;21008,54;CW;599;1;599;28;;;;R;;SM7IUN_B;3;28;;;LZ5;LZ;20;28 2;2021-07-10 13:22:42;NO9E;15;21010,66;CW;599;2;599;08;;;;R;;SM7IUN_B;5;08;;;NO9;K;05;08 3;2021-07-10 13:23:19;LZ0HQ;15;21000,22;CW;599;3;599;BFRA;;;;R;;SM7IUN_B;1;;BFRA*LZ;;LZ0;LZ;20;28 4;2021-07-10 13:23:44;II3R;15;21004,98;CW;599;4;599;28;;;;R;;SM7IUN_B;3;;;;II3;I;15;28 5;2021-07-10 13:24:20;KO7SS;15;21007,70;CW;599;5;599;08;;;;R;;SM7IUN_B;5;;;;KO7;K;05;08
Plain CSV
This option will create a locale-independent .CSV for use with e.g. Linux-based analysis tools.
The first line contains the column names. The second line and onwards are the QSO.
The formatting uses comma as list separator, period as decimal separator. QSO time is in ISO format.
IDQSO,QSOTime,Callsign,Band,Freq,Mode,SRST,Nr,RRST,Rcvd,Rec1,Rec2,Rec3,Stn,Operator,StnID,Points,Mult1,Mult2,Mult3,WPX,DXCC,CQZ,ITUZ 1,2021-07-10 13:22:07,LZ5R,15,21008.54,CW,599,1,599,28,,,,R,,SM7IUN_B,3,28,,,LZ5,LZ,20,28 2,2021-07-10 13:22:42,NO9E,15,21010.66,CW,599,2,599,08,,,,R,,SM7IUN_B,5,08,,,NO9,K,05,08 3,2021-07-10 13:23:19,LZ0HQ,15,21000.22,CW,599,3,599,BFRA,,,,R,,SM7IUN_B,1,,BFRA*LZ,,LZ0,LZ,20,28 4,2021-07-10 13:23:44,II3R,15,21004.98,CW,599,4,599,28,,,,R,,SM7IUN_B,3,,,,II3,I,15,28 5,2021-07-10 13:24:20,KO7SS,15,21007.70,CW,599,5,599,08,,,,R,,SM7IUN_B,5,,,,KO7,K,05,08
Log search data
This option will create a log search .LGS file from the current log.
This option will create new log summary .SUM file from the current log.
Start date : 2019-11-23 Contest : CQ World Wide Callsign used : SK3W Operator(s) : @SM3SGP SM5AJV SM5IMO SM7IUN SM0PHU Mode : CW Category : Single operator Station : Fixed Overlay : Band(s) : All bands Class : High Gridsquare : JP80JH Club/Team : SK3W Software : 2.5.19 rev 0 Operating time : 48h 00m BAND QSO Z C DUP POINTS AVG ---------------------------------- 160 900 25 97 27 1293 1.44 80 1871 35 127 36 2802 1.50 40 1867 38 148 41 3118 1.67 20 1641 39 155 30 3418 2.08 15 221 31 110 2 443 2.00 10 44 5 24 0 45 1.02 ---------------------------------- TOTAL 6544 173 661 136 11119 1.70 ================================== FINAL SCORE:9 273 246
Zone check
Creates a tab-delimited .TXT text file listing all QSO where the expected zone (CQ or ITU depending on contest)
for the call's DXCC entity differs from the received exchange.
Frequency data is using the decimal separator set by the computer's locale.
E.g. a QSO with SM7IUN in a contest with CQ zone as exchange where the received exchange is 599 11. Also QSO with uncertain or
indeterminable DXCC (such as /MM stations) are listed.
IDQSO QSOTime Callsign Band Freq Mode SRST Nr RRST Rcvd Stn OpName StnID DBzone 41 2018-11-24 00:08:53 K9OM 80 3504.4 CW 599 41 599 05 R1 SM5AJV A 04 412 2018-11-24 01:40:52 K9OM 160 1824.8 CW 599 412 599 05 R2 SM3SGP D 04 635 2018-11-24 02:45:58 W6XR 80 3510.9 CW 599 635 599 05 R1 SM5AJV A 03 780 2018-11-24 03:25:37 W7WZ 40 7061.5 CW 599 779 599 05 R2 SM5IMO C 03 1250 2018-11-24 06:03:36 W7WZ 80 3512.2 CW 599 1249 599 05 R1 SM5CCT A 03 1272 2018-11-24 06:08:40 K9GS 40 7039.5 CW 599 1271 599 04 R2 SM5IMO C 05 1361 2018-11-24 06:35:00 WA5VGI 160 1831.6 CW 599 1360 599 03 R2 SM7IUN D 04 1694 2018-11-24 08:09:32 AA6YQ 40 7045.8 CW 599 1693 599 05 R2 SM5IMO C 03
Callsign check
Creates a tab-delimited .TXT text file listing all QSO with suspicious callsigns.
A suspicious callsign is defined as one that is neither present in the Super Check Partials database
nor in any prefill database file.
IDQSO QSOTime Callsign Band Freq Mode SRST Nr RRST Rcvd Stn OpName StnID 1 2023-09-25 04:49:48 SM7AAA 160 1822.0 CW 599 1 599 14 R SM0HEV STN1 3 2023-09-25 04:49:56 SM7BBB 160 1823.1 CW 599 3 599 14 R SM0HEV STN1 5 2023-09-25 05:24:36 DL2KIJ 160 1818.4 CW 599 5 599 14 R SM0HEV STN1 8 2023-09-25 05:24:56 YU5LP 160 1811.0 CW 599 8 599 15 R SM0HEV STN1
Errors and warnings
Creates a .TXT text file listing all band/mode change violations and other issues with the log, such as callsigns with indeterminable DXCC.
Errors and Warnings Contest: CQ World Wide Callsign: SK3W Time: 2021-11-08 15:19:35 Band change violations 1075 2019-11-23 05:55 3508.6 DL2MU 5126 2019-11-24 10:56 14048.7 LZ5D Invalid QSOs 3305 2019-11-23 18:29 7002.4 D1DX 4161 2019-11-24 01:05 1834.3 4U25B 4634 2019-11-24 07:04 14048.1 D1DX 5876 2019-11-24 15:50 7030.6 4U25B 6175 2019-11-24 18:32 3514.8 D1DX
Clean log
Important: This menu item is only visible when no log is open.
Offers various options for cleaning up a log file.
Using this option during a contest is not recommended.
Merge logs
Important: This menu item is only visible when no log is open.
Allows the merging of different DXLog log files for the same contest and callsign to be merged into a single log file.
To mark several files, hold down [Ctrl]
while selecting files in the file dialog box.
Update contest
Updates the currently loaded contest definition, and when applicable, warning and database files
from DXLog's online repository.
The online repository is continuously updated between public releases.
There are also sometimes last minute updates to databases or emergency updates
to contest definition files.
Since DXLog evolve with new features and other improvements to the contest definition file
syntax, the most recent contest definition file may not work with an older DXLog release.
DXLog will therefore only update files if you are running the most recent version of DXLog.
If DXLog is unable to determine this, you will be prompted.
After updating, a brief success report is shown and, if required, the log is is reloaded to make the updated
configuration come into effect.
Important: When updating, all own updates/edits of contest definition, database, and warning
files (also using e.g. Options|Data files|Update database
) are lost.
To protect personal database files, locate them in a folder different from the default
location %APPDATA%\\Database.
Open configuration folder
Opens a Windows Explorer window with DXLog's configuration folder.
Text command: EXIT or BYE
This menu option will close the current log, release all interfaces and exit DXLog.
You will be prompted to confirm you want to quit. You can respond with a single keypress.