[DXLog.net - Support] DXLog - CaQP Observations

Dave Zeph zephd at indy.rr.com
Tue Oct 8 00:18:20 CEST 2013

I modified the CQP.txt Contest file to enable Prefill of the County from a
Callsign History File supplied by W1UE.  I knew it would be necessary to
overwrite some Counties because not everyone goes to the same county every

However I found that DXLog always automatically prefilled the callsign from
the Callsign History File - regardless of the County entered in the Log the
first time a station was worked.  To get the Log County entered, it was
necessary to delete the County name that had been prefilled, and then hit
the spacebar several times.  If this was not done, the Prefill County Name
took precedence.  Information from the Log Database should always take

I often use CONTROL-ENTER to add calls of previously worked stations to the
Bandmap.  With Win-Test, calls of previously worked stations added to the
Bandmap are displayed with the same Font and Color of stations recently
worked on the Band.  While recently worked stations on a Band were shown in
Italics, previously worked stations added to the Bandmap were shown in a
non-Italic font - the same Font & Color as NOT-WORKED stations.  Worked
stations should be shown in the same font.  It was hard to differentiate
between previously worked stations added to the Bandmap and NOT-WORKED
stations "parked" on the Bandmap to be tried again later.

There's still a problem with using ones OWN CALL to overwrite the entry of a
mislogged call.  I had a case where I added a call to the log only to find
that the band took a big fade and the station I was working could not
receive my report.  When I entered "W9PA/4" to overwrite that QSO, I found I
also had to enter a Dummy Received Serial Number and Dummy County Name in
order for DXLog to advance to the next, blank log line.  I think it ones OWN
CALL is entered, DXLog should just add ---- to the remaining fields when
ENTER is pressed.

Otherwise DXLog worked very well.

73 -- Dave, W9PA (ex-W9ZRX)

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