Radios and Peripherals

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For best performance with DXLog your radio needs to have the most recent firmware.
Firmware releases can be found on Elecraft's firmware web site.


The recommended CAT interface setting is 4800bps, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 400ms polling interval.
Using shorter polling interval may cause the radio to miss rapid keypresses such as RIT adjustments.

For SO2V operation the menu option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be disabled.

Since the radio ignores CAT PTT commands in CW, CAT PTT only works for SSB and digital modes-

Per Elecraft recommendations, the option "Do not poll radio during TX" in DXLog's radio settings should be checked.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

KX2 and KX3

The recommended CAT interface setting is 38400bps, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 200ms polling interval.

Per Elecraft recommendations, the option "Do not poll radio during TX" in DXLog's radio settings should be checked.

For SO2V operation Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be disabled.

When recording messages with the radio's internal voice recorder, recording is initiated by pressing [Shift][F1]
or [Shift][F2] and is then started by pressing the XMIT button on the radio's panel.
Recording can then be stopped by by either pressing the same button again or by pressing [Esc].

With Dual Watch enabled, the radio will force VFO B to the same mode as VFO A. This is not an error.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.


The recommended CAT interface setting is 38400bps, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 200ms polling interval.

Per Elecraft recommendations, the option "Do not poll radio during TX" in DXLog's radio settings should be checked.

For SO2V operation without a subreceiver Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be disabled.

For SO2V operation with a subreceiver, this option should be enabled. Subreceiver control is supported.
For more information, see Operating techniques.

To make the CW side tone or transmitted audio available for the contest recorder (e.g. routed via an SO2R controller)
you need to select LIN OUT from the menu, press 2, and then set the transmit monitor level there.

Coherent diversity operation is supported for radios with a subreceiver. It can either be enabled/disabled by pressing
[Ctrl][-] or [Ctrl][Keypad Subtract] or with a long press on the radio's SUB button. Diversity is indicated
with a DIV icon below in the "seven segment" frequency counter in the radio/band map window.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.


The recommended CAT interface setting is 38400bps, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, and 200ms polling interval.
A better option is however to use the TCP/IP CAT connection.

For SO2V operation Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be checked. Subreceiver control is supported. For more information, see Operating techniques.

Coherent diversity operation is supported. It can either be enabled/disabled by pressing [Ctrl][-] or
[Ctrl][Keypad Subtract] or by using the radio's controls. Diversity is indicated
with a DIV icon below in the "seven segment" frequency counter in the radio/band map window.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

The radio's built-in voice keyer is supported. For playback, the first four memories in each bank are available.
For recording, memory positions 1 through 4 in the first bank corresponds to F1 through F4. Memory positions in the
second bank corresponds to F5 through F7, and Insert.


Since FlexRadio uses a completely virtual serial port, port speed has no meaning.
A polling interval of 200ms will give a good user experience, but shorter is possible.

Keyboard RIT is supported but only on VFO A.

Important: When using FlexRadio's "almost Winkey" keyer, setting Extra buffering in the
Winkey configuration panel to 1 or higher may be required to avoid keying issues.

In the radio settings panel the option Control FlexRadio DAX on Phone will allow the use
of DXLog's internal DVK in remote operation when DAX is used for the microphone signal.
With this option enabled, DAX is switched on at the beginning of playback and then switched
off at the end.

For a much improved user experience, enable Focus Helper in the Radio Setup panel.
This will return focus to DXLog after interacting with SmartSDR.


SO2V operation

The option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be enabled.

Make sure to select SO2V and disable "Auto Switch TX slice" for all interfaces in the CAT setup
panel as shown below. If this is not done, slice B will be closed down when not focused and
transmission will always be on slice A.

"Subreceiver" on/off control is supported.


The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

Digital modes

You can find a good guide on operating digital modes with DXLog, PowerSDR, and FlexRadio
prepared by Lou IK8HCG HERE.


For best performance with DXLog your radio needs to have the most recent firmware.
Firmware releases can be found on ICOM's firmware web site.

Radio model Recommended firmware
IC-705 1.32 or later
IC-905 1.15 or later
IC-7100 E5 or later
IC-7300 1.42 or later
IC-7600 2.00 or later
IC-7610 1.42 or later
IC-7700 2.20 or later
IC-7760 1.01 or later
IC-7800 3.10 or later
IC-7850/51 1.41 or later
IC-9700 1.44 or later

For radios listed below but with old firmware, chose IC-7000 but use the radio model's correct CI-V address.
This may also be necessary when using outdated equipment that rely on information on the CI-V interface,
such as power amplifiers or band decoders. The radio model's default CI-V address is displayed in the text
box "ICOM CI-V address (hex)" in the radio settings panel when the radio model is selected.

IC-7300, IC-7610, IC-7760, IC-7850, IC-7851, and IC-9700

Even if you are using a station controller such as a microHAM MK2R+ you will get a better user experience if you
let DXLog control the radio directly via the high speed USB interface. (The station controller should however
still be connected to the radio's "REMOTE" connector for correct band and mode decoding.)

Important: Spectrum display is only supported via the USB CI-V port which must be set to 115200bps.

In DXLog's radio settings, select the relevant COM port, chose 100ms polling interval and set the interface to
115200bps, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop bit.

On the radio, go to the CI-V menu by selecting:
Then set
CI-V Transceive = ON (Optional)
CI-V USB Port = Unlink from [REMOTE]
CI-V USB Baud Rate = 115200
CI-V USB Echo Back = OFF

If you for some reason want to use a low interface speed, the ICOM CI-V mode option in the radio
set up will offer you a better user experience. To use this, you must also set CI-V Transceive
to ON in the radio's settings.

In this mode, DXLog will not poll the radio but rely on auto-reports from the radio. Some operations
with the radio's controls do not trigger auto-reports (split on and off, diversity on and off, etc.)
and will thus not be recognized by DXLog when using this mode.

Using ICOM CI-V Mode with a high speed interface will trigger a lot of bandmap updates. In a very busy
contest this may result in quite heavy processor load and a thereby a sluggish bandmap response when tuning
the radio. This is not a defect.

Due to limitations in the ICOM CAT protocol, changes in VFO selection made using the radio's controls on
IC-7300 and IC-9700 will not be correctly recognized by DXLog.

For SO2V operation the menu option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be disabled for IC-7300 and IC-9700. It should be enabled for IC-7610, IC-7760, IC-7850, and IC-7851.

With this option enabled, sub receiver and VFO knob focus control are supported. For more information, see
Operating techniques. Please note that if sub receiver and VFO knob focus control
is used with a low CI-V speed (e.g. 19200bps) the polling interval will have to be increased to about 400ms to
secure responsiveness when switching focus in DXLog. This is to make sure sufficient CI-V bus bandwidth is available
for the commands.

The VFO knob focus switch key, [Keypad Divide], works for IC-7610, IC-7760, IC-7850, and IC-7851.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback. Recording has to be done using the radio's recording menu.
All eight voice keyer memories in the radio are supported and available from function keys [F1] through [F7].
The eighth voice keyer memory is accessible via the $PBINS macro.

Important: ICOM CI-V is a semi-duplex protocol that both transmits and receives using a single line.
Using CI-V Transceive = ON together with polling and lower speeds with a basic USB-to-serial interface
may create message collisions causing DXLog's CAT driver to briefly pause while recovering from the collision.
This is not an error. This will however not happen when using the radio's own USB interface or a protocol-aware
serial interface, such as a microHAM keyer/controller.

The radio's default setting is to not include CW side tone or transmit audio in the radio's audio output.
For e.g. recording a contest, this needs to be activated.

When using the built-in USB sound card:

SET -> Connectors -> USB AF/IF Output -> AF Beep/Speech... Output = ON

When using the ACC connector (e.g. when routing audio through an SO2R controller)

SET -> Connectors -> ACC AF/IF Output -> AF Beep/Speech... Output = ON

Coherent diversity ("Tracking") is supported on IC-7610, IC-7760, IC-7850, and IC-7851. It can either be enabled/disabled from
the keyboard with [Ctrl][-] or [Ctrl][Keypad Subtract] or by a long press on the radio's MAIN/SUB button.
Diversity is indicated with a DIV icon below in the "seven segment" frequency counter in the radio/band
map window.

Important: On ICOM radios, RIT is not natively supported in diversity mode. Coherency is lost when the RIT is adjusted.
However, with DXLog RIT is supported. DXLog will automatically adjust the sub VFO to the same
frequency as the main VFO with RIT offset.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.

IC-705 and IC-905

These radios lack a traditional, serial CI-V interface. The two options for logger control are via a virtual COM port either via USB or Bluetooth.

Since both the USB and Bluetooth COM ports are virtual, they speed setting is ignored. However, due to latency in
the Bluetooth interface it is important to not chose too short a polling period when using this. Above 200ms is a good number.

Due to limitations in ICOM's CI-V protocol, changes in VFO selection made using the radio's controls
will not be correctly recognized by DXLog.

When using USB, select the relevant COM port, chose 100ms polling interval and set the interface to
115200bps, 8 bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. Enabling "Transceive" also when not using "ICOM CI-V mode" in
the radio settings will improve the user experience somewhat.

For a more detailed description of "ICOM CI-V mode", see below.

For SO2V operation the menu option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback. Recording has to be done using the radio's recording menu.
All eight voice keyer memories in the radio are supported and available from function keys [F1] through [F7].
The eighth voice keyer memory is accessible via the $PBINS macro.

The radio's default setting is to not include CW sidetone or transmit audio in the radio's audio output.
For e.g. recording a contest, this needs to be activated. C.f. the section above for instructions.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.

Spectrum display is only supported via USB and currently not for the 10GHz band.

IC-7100, IC-7600, IC-7700, and IC-7800

Use the highest available speed on the CI-V interface (19200bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 400ms at 19200bps. Longer at lower speeds.

As a rule, CI-V Transceive should be disabled in the radio's set up menu.

However, by enabling it and checking the Use ICOM CI-V mode option in the radio set up you will get a much
better user experience at low CAT interface speeds. It however comes with some loss of functionality, c.f. below.

The menu option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be enabled for SO2V operation with IC-7800 and disabled for IC-7100, IC-7600, and IC-7700.

The VFO knob focus switch key, [Keypad Divide], works for IC-7800.

With this option enabled, sub receiver and VFO knob focus control are supported. For more information, see Operating techniques.

Since these radio lacks the ability to control the internal voice keyer via CI-V, it is not supported.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.

IC-756, IC-756 Pro, IC-756 Pro II, IC-756 Pro III, and IC-775

Use the highest available speed on the CI-V interface. 400ms polling interval is recommended at 19200bps, longer at lower speeds.

As a rule, CI-V Transceive should be set to OFF in the radio's menu.

Alternatively, and for a better user experience, check Use CI-V mode in DXLog's radio settings and set CI-V Transceive to ON.

SO2V operation is supported, with some limitations, since older versions of the CI-V protocol does not support
direct access to VFO B frequency and mode.

At start up, or when resetting interfaces, VFO B is set to the same frequency and mode as VFO A. This is by design.

The menu option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be enabled for SO2V operation.

The VFO knob focus switch key, [Keypad Divide], works.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.

Older ICOM

Use the highest available speed on the CI-V interface. 400ms polling interval is recommended at 19200bps, longer at lower speeds.
Really old radios with 1200bps CI-V interfaces may need up to 1000ms polling interval for robust operation.

As a rule, CI-V Transceive should det set to OFF in the radio's menu.

Alternatively, and for a better user experience, check Use CI-V mode in DXLog's radio settings and set CI-V Transceive to ON.

At start up, or when resetting interfaces, VFO B is set to the same frequency and mode as VFO A. This is by design.

The menu option Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V)
should be disabled for SO2V operation.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported but not for the very oldest.

A note on ICOM's "CI-V Transceive" mode

Auto-reports via CAT have many names. For ICOM this is called "Transceive" mode.

Factory default is to have this feature switched off.

All ICOM radios have this and DXLog supports it fully.

To use it, enable it in the radio and check the "Use Transceive" checkbox in the radio settings.

On recent ICOM radios, the setting is

MENU -> SET -> Connectors -> CI-V -> CI-V Transceive "ON"

Not all setting changes made using the radio's controls generate
an auto report, resulting in some loss of functionality when "Transceive" is used.

With "Transceive", DXLog is unaware of changes made on the radio in:

  • RIT on/off
  • RIT offset
  • Split on/off
  • VFO focus on dual receiver radios
  • VFO selection on single receiver radios
  • Diversity on/off

As long as DXLog's own controls are used to make changes to these settings, there are no problems.
E.g., [Ctrl][-] to toggle diversity or [Keypad Divide] to switch VFO focus.


For best performance with DXLog your radio needs to have the most recent firmware.
Firmware releases can be found on Kenwood's firmware web site.


Use the highest reliable speed on the CAT interface (19200ps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 300ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback.

TS-2000 does not support COM-port keying.

Different mode on VFO A and VFO B is not supported.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

TS-480SAT and TS-480HX

Use the highest reliable speed on the CAT interface (up to 115200bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback.

TS-480 does not support COM-port keying.

Different mode on VFO A and VFO B is not supported.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is
not supported but CAT PTT activates the ANI microphone input.


Preferably use the USB CAT interface at the highest available speed (115200bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback.

The TS-590S does not support COM-port keying.

Different mode on VFO A and VFO B is not supported.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.


Preferably use the USB CAT interface at the highest available speed (115200bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback.

The TS-890S supports CW keying and PTT via the enhanced COM port. Use advanced menu setting 19 and 20.

DXLog has support for CAT control over LAN. Select TCP instead of COM-port and enter the administrator user
name and password in the radio set up panel.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported but
CAT PTT on phone will trigger DATA PTT which means the modulation source can be selected in the radio's settings.


Preferably use the USB CAT interface at the highest available speed (115200bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be enabled.

Subreceiver control is supported.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback.

The TS-990S does not support COM-port keying.

DXLog has support for CAT control over LAN. Select TCP instead of COM-port and enter the administrator user
name and password in the radio set up panel.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

Older Kenwood

Use the generic driver called "Kenwood".

Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface. A suitable polling period at 4800bps is 500ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

Depending on radio model, the internal voice keyer may be supported. If so, only for playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.


For best performance with DXLog your radio needs to have the most recent firmware.
Firmware releases can be found on Lab599's web site.

Discovery TX-500

Select 9600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and one stop bit. A suitable polling interval is 300ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

Keyboard RIT is not supported.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.


Make sure to always use the latest version of the USB Device Router which can be downloaded from microHAM's website.

This will also contain the latest firmware for your microHAM devices.

PTT lead time with microHAM

The PTT lead time set in DXLog is only active for COM-port keying. For Winkey keying, the PTT
lead time must be set in the keyer's PTT tab in microHAM device router.
Important: This is the case also if "allow logger control" is checked in device router's CW/WinKey panel.

microHAM WinKey

When using WinKey keying with Winkey chip version 2.3 or later, the WinKey chip will do all the necessary
PTT management and COM-port PTT should not be used.

For earlier versions of the Winkey chip, DXLog PTT must be used to keep PTT from dropping between words.

The version of your Winkey chip is displayed (without the period) in the bottom status bar of the microHAM
device router window.


RTTY FSK with microHAM

Even modern radios with built-in virtual COM ports only have only one COM-port for FSK keying.
This means SO2V RTTY is not really possible.

However, using a microHAM keyer such as MK2R+ you have two virtual COM ports for FSK which means it is possible.
You assign two virtual COM ports for FSK keying to radio 1 and assign each of the MMVARI instances to each of them.

If you want to use FSK with EXTFSK64, MMTTY and microHAM, Paco EA7ZC has made a [good guide].

Important: Disable "Stuff" for the FSK COM-port in the USB Device Router's Ports tab or your transmission may be distorted.

microHAM Footswitch

Although DXLog supports multiple uses for a footswitch connected to a COM-port, one connected to a microHAM keyer
can only serve as PTT. This is a intentional limitation in the microHAM device router and can not be changed.

With TX lock/unlock enabled in DXLog's microHAM configuration panel, DXLog will recognize up to two footswitches
together with WinKey break-in status. This can either be used for interlock/inband operation or just for
visual feedback together with the Options|Log|Show border on TX menu option.
Important: When using this, care must be taken not to create a PTT feedback loop, causing PTT to stick indefinitely.

In SO1R, footswitch 1 is PTT. In SO2V, footswitch 1 is PTT for the focused "radio". In SO2R footswitch 1 is
PTT for radio 1 and footswitch 2 is PTT for radio 2. Footswitch 2 cannot be used in SO1R and SO2V.

QRP Labs

QCX and QCX+

DXLog requires firmware version 1_00_021 or later.

QMX and QMX+

DXLog requires firmware version 1_00_021 or later.


For best performance with DXLog your radio needs to have the most recent firmware.
Firmware releases can be found on Ten-Tec's web site.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings
is not supported for any Ten-Tec radios.


Since the Eagle's processor is quite slow, a polling period of 300ms or more is recommended.

From the user's manual:

"Even though the EAGLE’s physical interface is USB, it utilizes a USB to UART serial driver for applications.
This means that computer applications will connect to a virtual “comm port”. You will need to setup the
“comm port” with specific settings. For the EAGLE, this is as follows: 57600bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Flow Control – (Xon/Xoff or RTS or none work on different computers).
Since this is a virtual comm port, the driver takes care of the actual implementation of the hardware flow control.

It is recommended that RTS flow control be utilized in order to maintain flow of commands/queries into the EAGLE.
This will help prevent the loss of command/query bytes in case the virtual UART in the EAGLE gets filled up before
it can be emptied. Otherwise, data may get lost when sending streams of commands to the EAGLE."


For best performance with DXLog your radio needs to have the most recent firmware.
Firmware releases can be found on Yaesu's web site.

Important for all Yaesu

Disable RTS hardware handshake in the radio or set RTS for the CAT COM-port to "Always on" in DXLog.

When using the built-in voice keyer, check Do not use PTT with voice keyer in the radio settings.


Not yet supported.


Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

Disable hardware handshake on the CAT COM port in the radio menu GENERAL->CAT RTS->OFF.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported for both recording and playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.


Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

Disable hardware handshake on the CAT COM port in the radio menu GENERAL->CAT RTS->OFF.

Using the virtual COM port via USB is recommended.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be enabled.

With this option enabled, sub receiver control is supported. For more information, see Operating techniques.

Since the radio has an inner ring for sub VFO tuning, VFO knob focus (including the [Keypad Divide]) is not supported.

The internal voice keyer is supported both for playback and recording.

Coherent diversity is supported. It can either be enabled/disabled from the keyboard with [Ctrl][-] or [Ctrl][Keypad Subtract] or with a long press
on the radio's SYNC button. Diversity is indicated with a DIV icon right below in the "seven segment" frequency counter in the radio/band map window.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.


Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 100ms but down to 50ms works well.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported for both recording and playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.


Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

Disable hardware handshake on the CAT COM port in the radio menu GENERAL->CAT RTS->OFF.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported for both recording and playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.

FT-817ND, 818, 847, 857D, and 897

Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps or 57600bps, 8 bits, no parity, 2 (TWO) stop bits).
A suitable polling interval is 300ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

VFO B control is supported by DXLog but due to limitations in the radios' CAT protocol changes in VFO selection or
split status made using the radio's controls will not be recognized by DXLog.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.


Set menus

  • 05-06 CAT RATE to 38400
  • 05-08 CAT RTS to DISABLE
  • 07-12 PC KEYING to RTS (or DTR) for COM-port keying from DXLog
  • 07-08 CW BK-IN TYPE to FULL (if you use PTT control from DXLog, otherwise SEMI)

The USB interface creates two ports. The "Enhanced" port is for CAT and the "Standard" port is for keying.
This means you need to configure both ports in DXLog to do CW keying and/or SSB PTT.

Set the CAT COM port to 38400bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit in DXLog.
A safe polling interval is 200ms, although shorter may work.

It is unknown if RTS/DTR PTT works via USB. Try using the hardware signal (DTR/RTS) not used for CW in the "Standard" COM port.
If it works, use it. If it does not, use CAT PTT.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should not be enabled.

The internal voice keyer is supported, but only for playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.


Set the COM port to 4800bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits.
A safe polling interval is 500ms, although shorter may work.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should not be enabled.

The internal voice keyer is not supported.

Since the FT-920 lacks a CAT command to select active VFO, DXLog swaps the contents of VFO A and VFO B in SO2V.
This is intentional and by design.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

FT-991 and FT-991A

Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 2 (TWO) stop bits).
A suitable polling interval is 100ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

Due to limitations in the radio's CAT command repertoire, VFO switching is implemented using swapping of the VFO values.
This means that VFO A will always be selected on the radio, also when VFO B is selected in DXLog.

The internal voice keyer is supported for both recording and playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.

FT-1000 and FT-1000D

Set the COM port to 4800bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits.
A safe polling interval is 500ms, although shorter may work.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be enabled.

Subreceiver control is not supported.

The internal voice keyer is not supported.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is not supported.

FT-1000MP and FT-1000MKV

Set the COM port to 4800bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 2 stop bits.
A safe polling interval is 500ms, although shorter may work.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be enabled.

With this option enabled, sub receiver control is supported. For more information, see Operating techniques.

The internal voice keyer is not supported.

FTDX1200 and FTDX3000

Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 2 (TWO) stop bits).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For the FTDX3000 the USB CAT interface is strongly recommended.

To use the built-in audio card in the FTDX3000 for voice keyer playback, set the radio's menu 075 to "USB"
and check "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be disabled.

The internal voice keyer, if installed, is supported for both recording and playback.


Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 2 (TWO) stop bits).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be enabled.

With this option enabled, sub receiver control is supported. For more information, see Operating techniques.

The internal voice keyer is supported both for recording and playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.


Use the highest available speed on the CAT interface (38400bps, 8 bits, no parity, 2 (TWO) stop bits).
A suitable polling interval is 200ms.

For SO2V operation, Options|Interface specific options|Dual receiver radio (Use split in SO2V) should be enabled.

With this option enabled, sub receiver control is supported. For more information, see Operating techniques.

The internal voice keyer is supported but only for playback.

The option "Use radio DATA mode for voice keyer playback" in DXLog's radio settings is supported.


The YCCC SO2R Mini is an extremely affordable yet capable SO2R controller.

Unlike most other contest contest loggers, DXLog has native support for it.

This means that there is no need for additional software components such as the
"The Controller" or VSPM virtual serial ports software.

Simply connect the SO2R Mini's USB interface to your computer and check which COM port it creates.
Connect this COM port as a WinKey in the Interface Configuration panel.


Set the speed to 9600bps, 8 bits, no parity, and one stop bit.


Check the SO2R Mini Extension box in the Winkey Configuration panel and you are done.
Tip: If you experience keying or keying speed anomalies, setting Extra buffering to 1 or
or higher may help.

Winkey so2rmini.png