Contest definition
- 1 Introduction
- 2 File structure
- 3 Regular expressions
- 4 Functions and FX expressions
- 5 Custom multiplier lists
- 6 General contest description keys
- 7 Contest configuration panel control keys
- 8 Cabrillo export keys
- 9 Band and mode keys
- 10 QSO entry field definition keys
- 11 Default message keys
- 12 Additional configuration keys
- 12.1 DXCC related keys
- 12.2 Contest timing and period keys
- 12.3 Database, prefill, and check keys
- 12.4 QSO exchange and numbering keys
- 12.5 Double QSO keys
- 12.6 Multiplier keys
- 12.7 Rate window keys
- 12.8 Band change rule keys
- 12.9 Contest score keys
- 12.10 QSO points keys
- 12.11 Progress tracking keys
- 12.12 Livescore keys
- 12.13 QTC keys
- 12.14 Other keys
- 13 Less obvious constructs
Contest rules vary greatly and are typically defined by the contest organizers.
The differences can be in points per QSO, multiplier determination and calculations, etc.
To support a wide variety of rules and to allow for easy adding/changing of contest rules in DXLog,
contest rules are defined and controlled through a contest config file.
Contest config files are "semi human readable", plain text files located in the Contest sub-folder in
DXLog's installation folder. A wide range of contest definition files are included in the DXLog standard installation.
The contest config files in the protected installation folder are however not intended for editing or modification
For this, there is a copy of the folder in Windows' unprotected AppData folder structure.
Since this is a hidden folder, a drop down menu item is provided for easy access. (File | Open configuration directory)
Each time DXLog is started, the content of the installation sub-folder and the AppData sub-folder is compared.
If a contest config file in the installation sub-folder is newer than its copy in the AppData sub-folder
(e.g. due to it being updated as part of a new DXLog release), the AppData file is overwritten.
In the opposite case (e.g. due to own modifications of a contest config file), the AppData file remains unchanged.
This means that any modifications of existing contest config files should be done in the AppData folder, but that
such modifications may be overwritten if a newer version is distributed in a later DXLog release.
To secure that a contest config file is not overwritten by future DXLog releases, create a file with a new name.
The same mechanic, with a master folder and an AppData copy, applies to data base (i.e. pre-fill or call history) files.
If you have developed a contest config file that is proven to be correct and that could be useful others, Please contact
the development team to discuss adding it to DXLog's standard contest repertoire.
Relation between configuration keys and macros and their related text boxes and drop down menus in the contest configuration panel.
File structure
Each line in a contest definition file usually contains KEY + VALUE pairs. The pair is always separated by the "=" sign. For example:
This means the field key is CONTESTNAME and the field value is 9A CW.
Regular expressions
You will see that in many cases DXLog is using regular expressions to verify condition validation and process entries.
If you are not familiar with regular expressions (regex for short) there are many online resources available.
One tutorial can be found here.
For example, regular expressions are used to check if the user keyboard entry is valid against a condition or
set of conditions, for QSO points calculations etc.
Regular expressions in the contest configuration file can be defined as fixed values, but they can
also compare QSO data against fixed values.
Example: We want to validate the user entered data in some of the fields. For example, we want
to validate that the user is allowed to enter NY, FL, GA, or MA in the EXCHANGE field on the contest
configuration screen.
The contest configuration key for this operation is: CFG_MULT_RGX_CHECK
So to create a validation, as per the previous example, we need the following definition
in the contest config file:
denotes start of the string$
denotes end of the string|
separates alternative matching patterns, forming a logical or
Another example is to validate that the Exchange field is a two digit number or a six position grid:
surrounds alternative matching patterns{}
forms a repetition of the preceding matching pattern
QSO data is addressed using a origin key (CONFIG, SOURCE, or DEST) and a content key (CALLSIGN, EXCHANGE, DXCC, etc.).
They are combined using "->". Examples of QSO data keys are CONFIG->POWER, SOURCE->DXCC, and DEST->RCVD.
Not all possible combinations of origin keys and content keys are valid. Please see below for valid combinations.
CONFIG | Information originating from contest configuration panel. If empty, derived from callsign. |
SOURCE | Information relating to own station. Always derived from station callsign. |
DEST | Information relating to other station. |
CONFIG or SOURCE or DEST | -> | CALL or CALLSIGN | Callsign. |
CONFIG | -> | CLASS | The contest's active power class as selected in the contest configuration panel in upper case. |
SOURCE or DEST | -> | CONT | Continent. Two letter acronym. |
CONFIG | -> | CQZONE | CQ/WAZ Zone as entered in the contest configuration panel. |
SOURCE or DEST | -> | CQZONE | CQ/WAZ Zone derived from the callsign. |
CONFIG | -> | DXCC | DXCC prefix as entered in the contest configuration panel. |
SOURCE or DEST | -> | DXCC | Official DXCC prefix derived from the callsign where international airspace/waters is "-". |
CONFIG | -> | EXCHANGE | The content of the contest exchange field in the contest configuration panel. |
CONFIG | -> | GRID | The content of the grid field in the contest configuration panel. |
CONFIG | -> | ITUZONE | ITU zone as entered in the contest configuration panel. |
SOURCE or DEST | -> | ITUZONE | ITU zone derived from the callsign. |
CONFIG | -> | MODE | The chosen contest mode in upper case. |
DEST | -> | MODE | The current QSO mode. |
CONFIG | -> | OPNAME | The content of the operator name field in the contest configuration panel. |
CONFIG | -> | OVERLAY | The overlay menu selection text in upper case. (Note that this is not the Cabrillo overlay) |
CONFIG or SOURCE or DEST | -> | PFX or WPX | Callsign prefix per WPX rules. |
SOURCE or DEST | -> | PFX_AREA | The callsign prefix formatted as main DXCC prefix plus "." and the prefix digit. E.g. "SM.0" or "EA.7". Note that DXCC prefixes containing a number keeps this, e.g., OH0DX is prefix area "OH0.0". |
CONFIG | -> | POWER | The content of the power field in the contest configuration panel. |
DEST | -> | RCVD | First element in the received contest exchange. |
DEST | -> | RECINFO | Second element in the received contest exchange. |
DEST | -> | RECINFO2 | Third element in the received contest exchange. |
DEST | -> | RECINFO3 | Fourth element in the received contest exchange. |
CONFIG | -> | STATE | The content of the State/Province/Other field in the contest configuration panel. |
CONFIG | -> | STATION | The station category text in upper case. (Not the Cabrillo station category) |
DEST | -> | TIME_HOUR | The hour of the QSO time as a string with values from "0" to "23". |
Formatting suffix
An origin/content key combination can have a formatting suffix, similar to that for CABRILLO_LINE.
For instance,
will zero pad the received exchange to a length of two before comparing. ITUZONE and CQZONE are always two digits.
Extension suffix
An origin/content key combination can have an extension suffix, which can also be a regular expression.
For instance
will evaluate true when the received exchange is identical to your own continent abbreviation followed by either M, Q, or Y.
1. We want to validate a value which could change on each entry into the log.
For example, we want to calculate points for each QSO with the same country, on the 160m band, in the CW and SSB mode, with 1 point.
The relevant contest configuration key for QSO points calculation is POINTS_FIELD_BAND_MODE
To create the calculation, as per the previous example, we need the following definition in the contest config file:
We can read this definition in the following way:
(our) DXCC is the same as DEST
(other station's) DXCC and the
band is 160 and the mode is CW or SSB then the QSO is worth 1 point. In the above definition notice
and DEST
keys. We can also use the CONFIG
2. We want to display a per-mode QSO breakdown for mixed mode contest entry
Important: The first "QSO" key can not be made conditional due to internal limitations.
Functions and FX expressions
Some keys allow not only keywords but also functions as arguments.
Functions follow C# syntax and have access to all string, number, and boolean manipulation functions in the language plus a number of helper functions.
The keywords available for regular expressions (see above) area also available in functions.
Some keywords assume an expression that returns a string, like MULT1_FX and FIELD_RCVD_CHECK_FORMAT_FX.
The first example picks the first four characters in the string as multiplier.
The second example picks the string following the first slash ("/") character as multiplier.
Two variables are available: $FIELDVALUE which is the multiplier itself, and $CALLSIGN which is the other station's call.
The available helper string functions are:
Helpers.GetBrazilUF($FIELDVALUE,$CALLSIGN) - Returns the two letter Brazilian region. Uses the exchange if valid,
otherwise derives it from the callsign.
Helpers.GetLastLetter($FIELDVALUE) - Returns the last character of a callsign, including slashed number suffixes
Helpers.GetLastLetterPure($FIELDVALUE) - Returns the last character of a callsign with a slashed prefix and suffixes removed
Helpers.GetOblast($FIELDVALUE) - Returns the Russian region based on field which should be callsign.
Helpers.GetOblastSPLO($FIELDVALUE,$CALLSIGN) - Returns the Russian region based on field which should be RCVD.
Uses the RDA exchange for SP/LO stations to determine oblast and the callsign for all others. Used in UA1DZ Memorial contest.
Helpers.GetPureCall($FIELDVALUE) - Returns the field (callsign) without prefix, slashes, etc.
Helpers.GetPrefixArea($FIELDVALUE, $CALLSIGN) - Returns the prefix area as NN.0
Helpers.GetPrefixAreaVEGeo($FIELDVALUE, $CALLSIGN) - Returns the prefix area as NN.0 but treats
Canadian geographical prefixes (VY2, etc.) as own call areas.
Helpers.GetSARLArea($FIELDVALUE) - Returns the SARL contest call area based on field which should be callsign.
Helpers.GetSuffix($FIELDVALUE) - Returns the callsign suffix (characters after last number) based on field which should be callsign.
Some keywords assume an expression that returns a list of strings, like WINDOWS_CML_LIST_FX.
The available helper list functions are:
GetList_PrefixArea(dxccList,regex) - Creates a multiplier list with all call areas prefixes
Example: GetList_PrefixArea(dxccList,"^LA$") - Creates a multiplier list with all Norwegian call areas.
GetList_PrefixAreaVEGeo(dxccList,regex) - Creates a multiplier list including Canadian (VY1, etc.) call areas
Example: GetList_PrefixAreaVEGeo(dxccList,"^(VE|K)$) - Creates a multiplier list with all US and Canadian prefixes.
GetList_CustomRange(format,start,end) - Creates a list of numbered multipliers
Example: GetList_CustomRange("00",1,6) - Creates the list 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, and 06
GetList_CustomArray(string,separator) - Creates a custom list
Example: GetList_CustomArray("AB|AC|AD|AK|AM","|") - Creates the list AB, AC, AD, AK, and AM
GetList_BrazilUF() - Creates a list containing the 27 Brazilian regions
GetList_Oblast() - Creates a list containing the 85 Russian regions
GetList_SARLArea() - Creates a list containing the 13 SARL contest call areas
GetList_GridArray(center,height,width)) - Creates a list of four letter grids around center
Example: GetList_GridArray(ownGrid,11,11) - Creates a list of 121 grids centered around own location
Example: GetList_GridArray("JP81",9,9) - Creates a list of 81 grids centered around JP81
Some keywords assume an expression returning a number, such as SCORE_TOTAL_FX and POINTS_CALC_F.
SCORE_TOTAL_FX is the formula for the score for an individual QSO. There variables available are
The arithmetic syntax is FLEE. (See below).
POINTS_CALC_F is the formula for the points for certain QSO conditions.
The syntax for its second element, the points calculation, is also FLEE.
Other keys assume a boolean expression which can be either a regular expression (as described above) or
an FX() expression. Examples are FIELD_RCVD_FX_CHECK and the first argument of MULT1_EXCEPTION.
The first example does not count the QSO as a multiplier if the last letter is the same in the station's
callsign and own callsign. The second example does not count the QSO as a multiplier if the first three characters
is the same in the station's callsign and own callsign. The third example counts the first two characters of the
exchange as multiplier if it starts with KDE, NDE or SDE.
The available boolean helper functions are:
Helpers.Between(number, min, max) - Returns true if number is between min and max.
Available syntax for arithmetic expressions
Custom multiplier lists
A custom multiplier list can only be used for multiplier type CUSTOM.
FX type multipliers can not use a listed set of multipliers but rely on a
helper function to create its multiplier list, such as GetList_CustomRange().
Plain list of custom multipliers
A list of custom multipliers is started by [MULTIPLIERS START] and ends with [MULTIPLIERS END].
The syntax for a multiplier having more than one name is shown below. In this example both NK and NR
will count as the same multiplier; Norwich.
- ...
- NL=London N1-22
- NN=Northampton
- NP=Newport
- NK{NR}=Norwich
- NW=London NW1-11
- OL=Oldham
- OX=Oxford
- ...
Conditional lists of custom multipliers
For contests such as US state QSO parties there are two types of participants with different sets of custom multipliers.
To support this, a multiplier list can be conditional just like default messages. The regular expression can be of any type
and check EXCHANGE, DXCC, CONT or whatever is suitable.
- [VALID FOR=Regex1]
- M1=First multiplier 1
- M2=First multiplier 2
- ...
- [VALID FOR=Regex2]
- L1=Second multiplier 1
- L2=Second multiplier 2
- ...
- AK=Alaska
- AL=Alabama
- AR=Arkansas
- AZ=Arizona
- CO=Colorado
- ...
- ...
Grouped list of custom multipliers
Multipliers can be grouped for better display in the custom worked multipliers window enabled
with the WINDOWS_CML_ENABLED key. The string following Group-> is the displayed
name of the group. The name has no impact on scoring. The syntax for alternative names for the same
multiplier is different from the straight list. Alternative names for the same multiplier are
instead separated with a slash. In the example below, QU, QC, and QUE will all count as the same
multiplier; Quebec.
- Group->K1_: CT,MA,ME,NH,RI,VT
- Group->K2_: NJ,NY
- Group->K3_: DE,PA,MD/DC
- ...
- Group->VE1: NS
- Group->VE2: QC/QU/QUE
- Group->VE3: ON/ONT
- Group->VE4: MB/MAN
- ...
Tip: In group names, the underscore character will be displayed as space. This is a simple way to
create an even column width when groups have different length.
General contest description keys
CONTESTGROUP | Used for group contest when displaying the config screen for contest selection. | For example: DIGITAL MODES, 9A LOCAL CONTEST, etc. |
CONTESTNAME | The contest name as it will be shown and recognized in the contest selection box. Note: this can be same as the Cabrillo contest name, but usually it is the full contest name. |
This field is mandatory and must be unique for all files in contest definition folder. |
CONTESTEXCH | Web link to definition of contest exchange. Shown when entering invalid data in configuration panel's exchange field. | e.g. |
CONTESTRULES | External HTTP Link to contest rules. Adds "Contest rules" item to Help menu. | e.g. |
CONTESTWEB | External HTTP Link to contest rules. Adds "Contest web" item to Help menu. | e.g. |
Contest configuration panel control keys
CATEGORIES | Semicolon-separated list of contest categories shown in the category selection dropdown menu in the contest configuration panel. Important: When defining own categories, the values of CABRILLO_OPERATOR, CABRILLO_TRANSMITTER, and CABRILLO_ASSISTED may have to be changed from their defaults. Also contests with only EDI export needs correct Cabrillo export keys. C.f the Cabrillo section below. |
Default value: Single operator, assisted;Single operator;Multi-operator, single transmitter; Multi-operator, two transmitters;Multi-operator, multi-transmitter;Checklog |
CATEGORY_MODES | Semicolon-separated list of contest modes shown in the mode selection dropdown menu in the contest configuration panel. Important: There is no contest mode key for CATEGORY-MODE. Phone, SSB, and AM are SSB. CW is CW. RTTY is RTTY. Mixed is MIXED. Digital, PSK31, JT65, FT8, and other digital modes are DIGI. |
Default value: CW;SSB;Mixed |
CLASS | Semicolon-separated list of contest power classes shown in the class selection dropdown menu in the contest configuration panel. |
Default value: High;Low;QRP |
CFG_EMAIL_MANDATORY | Controls if the Email field in the contest configuration panel requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO |
Default value: NO |
CFG_MULT | Controls the use of the exchange field in contest configuration panel. Valid values are: ON and OFF. If OFF, the exchange field is greyed out. |
Default value: OFF |
CFG_MULT_DX_ALLOWED | Controls if "DX" is an acceptable entry in exchange field. For example in ARRL DX Contest, all USA/VE stations needs to enter their state/province, while all other stations enters DX here. Valid values are: YES and NO |
Default value: NO |
CFG_MULT_SLASH_ALLOWED | Allows the use of "/" in the Exchange field as separator for contests where the exchange can be one or more elements of the same type, such as county-line stations in some US QSO parties where a station can belong to more than one counties and thereby represent more than one multiplier in one QSO. Important: CFG_MULT_SLASH_IGNORED and CFG_MULT_SLASH_ALLOWED must never both be YES. Valid values are: YES and NO |
Default value: NO |
CFG_MULT_SLASH_IGNORED | Allows the use of "/" in the Exchange field as part of the exchange itself rather than as a separator Important: CFG_MULT_SLASH_IGNORED and CFG_MULT_SLASH_ALLOWED must never both be YES. Valid values are: YES and NO |
Default value: NO |
CFG_MULT_MANDATORY | Controls if the exchange field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO | Default value: NO |
CFG_MULT_ERRORTEXT | Defines error text which is shown if the validity test for the exchange field fails. For example, in ARRL DX Contest, if the user enters a state abbreviation which is not in the approved list. |
Default value: "Invalid value in exchange field!" |
CFG_MULT_FROM | Alternative to using a regular expression to check validity of entry in Exhange field. Valid values are CUSTOM_MULT_LIST and ITUZONE. |
Default value: Unused |
CFG_MULT_RGX_CHECK | Regular expression used to test validity of entry in Exchange field. Note that the regular expression can include the key CUSTOM_MULT_LIST meaning that any entry listed in the custom multiplier list is considered valid. Example: CFG_MULT_RGX_CHECK=^AF$|^AS$|^EU$|^NA$|^OC$|^SA$|CUSTOM_MULT_LIST |
Default value: ALL |
CFG_CQZONE_ERRORTEXT | Defines the error text shown if the entry in the WAZ field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Invalid CQ/WAZ zone!" |
CFG_CQZONE_MANDATORY | Controls if the WAZ field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO | Default value: NO |
CFG_GRID_ERRORTEXT | Defines the error text shown if the entry in the GRIDSQUARE field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Invalid entry in gridsquare field!" |
CFG_GRID_MANDATORY | Controls if the GRIDSQUARE field requires an entry or can be blank. Valid values are: YES and NO. Is automatically set to YES if contest has QRB-based scoring. |
Default value: NO |
CFG_GRID_RGX_CHECK | Regular expression used to test validity of data entered in the GRIDSQUARE field. | Default value: ^[A-R][A-R][0-9][0-9][A-X][A-X]$ |
CFG_ITUZONE_ERRORTEXT | Defines error text shown if the entry in the ITU zone field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Invalid ITU zone!" |
CFG_ITUZONE_MANDATORY | Controls if the ITU zone field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO | Default value: NO |
CFG_MYDXCC_ERRORTEXT | Defines the error text shown if the entry in the DXCC field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Unrecognized DXCC from DXCC field. Please enter valid country prefix in DXCC field" |
CFG_MYDXCC_MANDATORY | Controls if the DXCC field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO | Default value: NO |
CFG_OPNAME_ERRORTEXT | Defines the error text shown if the entry in the operator name field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Operator name field is mandatory!" |
CFG_OPNAME_MANDATORY | Controls if the operator name field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO | Default value: NO |
CFG_POWER_ERRORTEXT | Defines the error text shown if the entry in the power field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Invalid value in power field!" |
CFG_POWER_MANDATORY | Controls if the power field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO | Default value: NO |
CFG_POWER_RGX_CHECK | Regular expression used to determine the validity of the power field entry. | Default value: ALL |
CFG_STATE_ERRORTEXT | Defines the error text shown if the entry in the state/province/other field fails the validity test. | Default value: "Invalid value in state/other field!" |
CFG_STATE_FROM=CUSTOM_MULT_LIST | Defines a list-based validity test for the state/province/other field. Alternative to to using a regular expression. |
Default value: absent |
CFG_STATE_MANDATORY | Controls if the state/province/other field requires an entry or can be empty. Valid values are: YES and NO |
Default value: NO |
CFG_STATE_RGX_CHECK | Regular expression used to test validity of entry in state/province/other field. Note that the regular expression can include the key CUSTOM_MULT_LIST meaning that any entry listed in the custom multiplier list is considered valid. Example: CFG_STATE_RGX_CHECK=^YL$|^OM$|CUSTOM_MULT_LIST |
Default value: ALL |
OVERLAY | Semicolon-separated list of contest overlays shown in the Overlay dropdown menu in the contest configuration panel. Disable CATEGORY-OVERLAY in the Cabrillo export by assigning OVERLAY one single value. |
Default value: ---;Classic;Rookie;Tribander/Single element;Youth;Novice/Tech;Over 50 |
OVERLAY_ASSISTED | Single keyword or semicolon-separated list of YES/NO controlling if an overlay represents an unassisted category. With a single keyword, this applies to all overlays. Must have one or the same number of entries as OVERLAY. If the selected overlay corresponds to a NO, incoming cluster spots are blocked. In other cases, CABRILLO_ASSISTED decides. |
Default value: YES |
STATION | Semicolon-separated list of contest station categories shown in the Station dropdown menu in the contest configuration panel. |
Default value: Fixed;Distributed;Headquarter;Mobile;Portable; Rover;Rover-Limited;Rover-Unlimited;Expedition;School |
Cabrillo export keys
Contest configuration keys
CABRILLO_ASSISTED | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of categories to Cabrillo assistance types. MUST have the same number of entries as the defined contest categories. Valid list items are ASSISTED and NON-ASSISTED. Important: When a NON-ASSISTED category is selected, incoming cluster spots are blocked. |
CABRILLO_ASSISTED_DISABLED | No CATEGORY-ASSISTED line will be included in exported file. Tip: With this set to YES, cluster spots are never blocked. |
Default value: NO. |
CABRILLO_BAND | Semicolon-separated list of band definition names for contests with band-limited categories. For value AUTO the band category will be ALL unless the log only contains QSO from a single band. In this case the band category will be this single band. For all other values of the key, log content is ignored. If only assigned a single value, such as 10M, ALL, or AUTO, this will be valid for all categories. Must be accompanied by a LIVESCORE_BANDS key when non standard values are used. Band names are Cabrillo convention 160M, ...6M, 2M, 222, 432, .... |
Default value: AUTO;AUTO;ALL;ALL;ALL;ALL |
CABRILLO_CONTEST_NAME | Formal contest name for Cabrillo export. If name contains {MODE} this will be replaced by the selected contest mode capitalized. |
No default value |
Value to use in Cabrillo export if field is empty. | Default value: Empty |
CABRILLO_EXPORT_TYPE | Controls structure of Cabrillo export. Valid values: PER_MODE and ALL. | Default value: ALL |
CABRILLO_LINE | Use: CABRILLO_LINE=FREQ;MODE;DATE;TIME;MYCALL;SENT;NR{F=R,3,0,4} Data is taken from the field names and added to the Cabrillo line in the order entered. FREQ represents frequency of QSO, MODE represents mode etc. For more details on valid keywords and the use of conditional entries, see below. |
No default value |
CABRILLO_LOCATION | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of contest categories to Cabrillo LOCATION key. If defined, MUST have the same number of entries as the defined contest categories. Any string is a valid value. If left undefined, contest category has no effect on LOCATION in Cabrillo export. Alternative to CABRILLO_LOCATION_FIELD. |
Default value: Disabled |
CABRILLO_LOCATION_FIELD | Defines the source of the LOCATION: key in the Cabrillo export. Valid values are EXCHANGE, STATE, GRID, GRID4, GRID2, ITUZONE, and CQZONE. Alternative to CABRILLO_LOCATION. |
Default value: Disabled |
CABRILLO_MODES | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of the contest's modes (as defined by the MODES key) to Cabrillo modes in QSO lines. MUST have the same number of entries as the defined number of modes for the contest. WWROF defined values are CW, PH, DG, RY, and FM. See below for the full list of de-facto standard mode acronyms. Must be accompanied by a LIVESCORE_MODES key when non standard values are used. |
Default value: CW;PH |
CABRILLO_OPERATOR | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of categories to to Cabrillo operator count. MUST have the same number of entries as the defined contest categories. Valid list items are SINGLE-OP, MULTI-OP, and CHECKLOG. Must be accompanied by a LIVESCORE_OPERATOR key when non standard values are used. |
CABRILLO_OVERLAY | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of category overlays to Cabrillo overlays. MUST have the same number of entries as the defined overlays. Any string is a valid entry. It is possible to block incoming cluster spots for one or several overlays. C.f. OVERLAY_ASSISTED. |
CABRILLO_OVERLAY_DISABLED | Suppresses CATEGORY-OVERLAY in export. | Default value: NO |
CABRILLO_POWER | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of category power classes to Cabrillo power classes. MUST have the same number of entries as the contest's power classes. List items can be any string but WWROF defined keywords are HIGH, LOW, and QRP. Must be accompanied by a LIVESCORE_POWER key when non standard values are used. |
Default value: HIGH;LOW;QRP |
CABRILLO_QTC_LINE | Definition of Cabrillo output for QTC. C.f. CABRILLO_LINE. Valid keywords are: FREQ, MODE, DATE, TIME, RCVDBY, GRNUM, SENTBY, QTCTIME, QTCCALL, and QTCSERIAL. |
Default value: Disabled |
CABRILLO_STATION | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of station categories to Cabrillo station categories. MUST have the same number of entries as the defined station categories. Any string is a valid entry. |
CABRILLO_TIME | Semicolon-separated list of duration for each contest category. MUST have the same number of entries as there are contest categories. WWROF defined values are 6-HOURS, 8-HOURS, 12-HOURS, and 24-HOURS. |
Default value: Disabled |
CABRILLO_TRANSMITTER | Semicolon-separated list of mapping of categories to Cabrillo operator counts. MUST have the same number of entries as the defined contest categories. WWROF defined values are ONE, TWO, LIMITED, UNLIMITED, and SWL. Must be accompanied by a LIVESCORE_TRANSMITTER key when non standard values are used. |
Important note: If you want to take full control of the columns to e.g. concatenate fields in the export,
this is done by adding a trailing asterisk ("*") to the keys below. This will remove the extra space
following a field to guarantee separation. Extra spaces required to align to certain character positions
can be added using the DUMMY keyword.
Surrounding the keyword with parentheses (e.g., (EXCHANGE)) means the key is optional and will not be included if empty.
Key | Content | Default format |
CALL | Logged station's call. | {F=L,13, } |
DATE | Date of QSO. Format YYYY-MM-DD. | {F=L,10, } |
DUMMY | Only spaces. | {F=L,5, } |
DXCC | DXCC of logged station. Derived from CTY database. | {F=L,5, } |
EXCHANGE | Exchange as entered in the contest configuration panel. Can optionally take a string function instead of formatting arguments within curly brackets. E.g. EXCHANGE{FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,4)} Breaks up slashed entries. |
{F=L,6, } |
FREQ | Frequency in kilohertz. | {F=R,6, } |
FREQMHZ | Frequency in Megahertz. | {F=R,6, } |
GRID | Grid locator as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,6, } |
GRID4 | First four positions of the grid locator entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,6, } |
MODE | QSO mode with Cabrillo coding. | {F=L,2, } |
MYCALL | Own call as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,13, } |
MYCQZONE | Own CQ zone as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,2,0,6} |
MYDXCC | Own DXCC prefix as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,6, } |
MYITUZONE | Own ITU zone as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,2,0,6} |
NOTHING | An empty string. Add a trailing asterisk for absolutely nothing. | {F=L,0, } |
NR | Own serial number for the QSO. | {F=R,3,0,6} |
OPNAME | Operator name as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,5, } |
PERIOD | Contest period. | {F=L,2, } |
POWER | Station power string as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,5, } |
PREV_RCVD | First element in previously received exchange. | {F=L,3,0} |
PREV_RECINFO | Second element in previously received exchange. | {F=L,3,0} |
PREV_RECINFO2 | Third element in previously received exchange. | {F=L,3,0} |
PREV_RECINFO3 | Fourth element in previously received exchange. | {F=L,3,0} |
PTS | Points of QSO. | {F=R,3, } |
RCVD1 | Received RST. | {F=L,3, } |
RCVD2 | First element in received exchange without RST. Can optionally take a string function instead of formatting arguments within curly brackets. E.g., RCVD2{FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,4)} |
{F=L,6, } |
RECINFO | Second element of received exchange. Can optionally take a string function instead of formatting arguments within curly brackets. E.g., RECINFO{FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,4)} |
{F=L,5, } |
RECINFO2 | Third element of received exchange. Can take optionally a string function instead of formatting arguments within curly brackets. E.g., RECINFO2{FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,4)} |
{F=L,5, } |
RECINFO3 | Fourth element of received exchange. Can optionally take a string function instead of formatting arguments within curly brackets. E.g., RECINFO3{FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,4)} |
{F=L,5, } |
SENT | Sent RST. | {F=L,3, } |
SLASH | The character '/'. Add trailing asterisk to remove separating space. | {F=L,1, } |
STATE | State or province as entered in the contest configuration panel. | {F=L,5, } |
STN | Station. "0" for all stations except radio 2 in SO2R, the multiplier station in Multi/Single, and Run2 in Multi/Two which all are "1". |
{F=L,2, } |
TIME | Time of QSO. Format HHMM. | {F=L,4, } |
' | A literal. E.g., 'ABC{F=L,6,} means "ABC ". Add * after the literal ('ABC*) avoid a trailing space. | {F=L,6, } |
CABRILLO_LINE formatting and conditionals
CABRILLO_LINE formatting information is contained within curly brackets with the following syntax:
- F=: Formatting flag
- AL: Alignment, can be L (for left) or R (for right)
- PS: Padded size. Total size of text including character padding.
- PC: Character used for padding. E.g., 0 for serial numbers.
- TS: Total size of field. Space padding to the right is used to reach this size. Optional.
Example: RCVD2{F=R,3,0,4}
Means RCVD2 field value will be aligned right, to a length of 3 characters. The "0" character is
used to pad to the specified length. Total size will be 4 characters (padding with spaces to reach 4).
This means that if RCVD2 field value is "1", it will be formatted as " 001" in the Cabrillo QSO line.
Regardless if total size is specified or not, each field will always be surrounded by spaces.
For some keys it is possible to replace the formatting information with a string operation, using an FX=
syntax and the $FIELDVALUE keyword to represent a string containing the field's characters.
CABRILLO_LINE also supports conditional formatting using a *RGX: syntax.
Example: *RGX:SOURCE->DXCC:^(DL|OE)$>>EXCHANGE{F=L,6, }/NR{F=R,3,0,6};
means the content of the Exchange box in the contest configuration panel station for German and Austrian
stations, otherwise a three position serial number. Both of total length 6.
per-own-DXCC conditional formatting is also supporting using a *NN> syntax
Example: *DL>EXCHANGE{F=L,6, }/NR{F=R,3,0,6};
means the same as the above example, but only for German stations. This conditional can
also be repeated, to cover several DXCC entities.
Key | Content | Format |
FREQ | Frequency in kilohertz | 6 positions, right adjusted |
MODE | Mode when receiving QTC | 3 positions, left adjusted |
DATE | Date QTC exchanged | 12 positions |
TIME | Time QTC exchanged | 4 positions |
RCVDBY | Call of receiving station | 13 positions, left adjusted |
GRNUM | Group number of QTC | 10 positions, left adjusted |
SENTBY | Call of sending station | 13 positions, left adjusted |
QTCTIME | Time in QTC line | 4 positions |
QTCCALL | Call in QTC line | 13 positions, left adjusted |
QTCSERIAL | Serial in QTC line | 3 positions, right adjusted |
Configuration keys' relation to Cabrillo export
Key type | DXLog Key | Cabrillo key | Default values | |||||
Configuration | CATEGORIES | Single operator, assisted | Single operator | Multi-operator, single transmitter | Multi-operator, two transmitter | Multi-operator, multi-transmitter | Checklog | |
Key type | DXLog Key | Cabrillo key | Default values | ||||
Configuration | OVERLAY | --- | School | Dxpedition | Headquarter | ... | |
Key type | DXLog Key | Cabrillo key | Default values | ||||
Configuration | CLASS | High | Low | QRP | |||
Key type | DXLog Key | Cabrillo key | Default values | ||||
Configuration | CATEGORY_MODES | CW | SSB | Mixed | |||
Cabrillo | N/A | CATEGORY-MODE | CW | SSB | MIXED |
Phon* | SSB |
FM | FM |
AM | AM |
CW | CW |
FT* | DIGI |
Digi* | DIGI |
*PSK* | BPSK |
All others | MIXED |
Key type | DXLog Key | Cabrillo key | Default values | ||||
Configuration | MODES | CW | SSB | ||||
Cabrillo | CABRILLO_MODES | QSO | CW | PH |
Key type | DXLog Key | Cabrillo key | Default values | ||||||
Configuration | BANDS | 160 | 80 | 40 | 20 | 15 | 10 | ||
Cabrillo | N/A | CATEGORY-BAND | Value is determined automatically for single operator entries. For multi-operator entries it is always ALL. |
De-facto standard Cabrillo QSO line
Cabrillo | Mode |
AX | Packet AX.25 |
CO | Contestia |
CW | CW |
DO | Domino |
FM | FM |
HE | Hellschreiber |
MF | MFSK16 |
OL | Olivia |
PH | SSB, AM |
PM | PSK63 |
PO | PSK125 |
PS | PSK31 |
Band and mode keys
BANDS | A semicolon-separated list of allowed bands for the contest. Valid band names are: 2190, 630, 560, 160, 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 50, 70, 144, 222, 432, 902, 1296, 2300, 3400, 5650, 10G, and 24G. |
Default value: 160;80;40;20;15;10 |
MODES | A semicolon-separated list of modes allowed in the contest. Not to be confused with CATEGORY_MODES. |
Default value: CW;SSB |
EDI_BANDS | A semicolon-separated list of EDI values for bands specified in BANDS key. Must contain same number of entries as BANDS key. Used for generating EDI log files for VHF/UHF/SHF contests in IARU Region I. Valid values are: 28 MHz, 50 MHz, 70 MHz, 144 MHz, 432 MHz, 1,3 GHz, 2,3 GHz, 3,4 GHz, 5,7 GHz, 10 GHz, 24 GHz, 47 GHz, 76 GHz, 120 GHz, 144 GHz, and 248 GHz. Note the space between the number and the frequency multiplier and that commma is used as decimal separator. |
No default value and if not set, EDI export is disabled. |
DISPLAY_MODE_GROUPING | Formatting of display of modes in check multiplier window. Should always be used if DOUBLE_QSO_MODE_CHECK=PER_MODE_GROUP is used. Syntax: DISPLAY_MODE_GROUPING=modename1:mode1+mode2;modename2:mode3+mode4 |
No default value |
QSO entry field definition keys
FIELD_AZ_VISIBLE | Controls the visibility of the Azimuth field. Mostly used on VHF/UHF/SHF to get the azimuth angle from a gridsquare. Valid values are YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_CALLSIGN_WWL_CHECK | If YES, an entry in the log callsign field will be checked for a gridsquare entry. If a gridsquare closer than 4000km away is found, the callsign field value will be copied to the gridsquare entry field and the azimuth angle will be calculated and shown. Recommended for VHF/UHF contests where you turn your antenna a lot. Valid values are YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_MODE_VISIBLE | If YES, or MIXED and contest mode category name contains "mixed" or "digi", overrides menu optionOptions|Log|Always show mode in QSO lines and makes the mode column alwaysvisible in the log. If NO, has no effect. Valid values are YES, NO, and MIXED. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_MODE_NAME | Heading for mode column. | Default value: "Mode" |
FIELD_MULT_NAME | Heading for multiplier column. | Default value: "Mult" |
FIELD_MULT_VISIBLE | If MULT field is visible on the screen. Valid values are YES and NO. | Default value: YES |
FIELD_MULT_MAX_LENGTH | Width of MULT column. | Default value: 5 |
FIELD_NR_VISIBLE | If sent QSO SERIAL NUMBER is visible on the QSO entry line. Valid values are YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_NR_HIDDEN_DXCC | Semicolon separated list of DXCC. If our own DXCC is on this list, sent serial number field will be hidden. Useful for contests where some stations are sending a serial number exchange and other stations are sending other data (for example a local province). |
Default is to hide none |
FIELD_NR_HIDDEN_RGX | Regular expression. If the condition is valid, sent serial number field will be hidden. Useful for contests where some stations are sending a serial number exchange and other stations are sending other data (for example a local province). |
No default value |
FIELD_PERIOD_VISIBLE | If PERIOD number column is visible. Valid values: YES and NO. | Default value: NO |
FIELD_PERIOD_NAME | Heading for PERIOD number column. | Default value: "P" |
FIELD_PTS_VISIBLE | If POINTS column is visible. Valid values: YES and NO. | Default value: YES |
FIELD_PTS_NAME | Heading for POINTS column. Width of column scales with string. | Default value: "Pts" |
FIELD_RCVD_CHECK_FORMAT_FX | C# expression to reformat entered value in the field before further validity checking. The value in the field is represented as $FIELDVALUE. Example: FIELD_RCVD_CHECK_FORMAT_FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,2)+$FIELDVALUE.Substring(2).TrimStart('0') will reshape RCVD by taking the first two characters and then remove any leading zeroes in the remainder before further validity or multiplier checking. |
Default value: $FIELDVALUE |
One or several, semicolon separated, regular expressions to conditionally reformat the entered value in the field before further validity checking. The regular expression and the formatting expression are separated by ">>" as in CABRILLO_LINE. The entered value is represented as $FIELDVALUE. Example: FIELD_RECINFO_CHECK_FORMAT_FX=!DEST->DXCC:^YO$>>'.'+$FIELDVALUE will add a period before the second part of the exchange for all stations that are not from Romania. FIELD_RECINFO_CHECK_FORMAT_FX=!DEST->DXCC:^K$|^KL$|^KH6$|^VE$>>"" will ignore any value in the second exchange field for all stations not from US, Hawaii, Alaska, or Canada. |
Default value: ALL>>$FIELDVALUE |
If the field's value is automatically copied from previous QSO with same station. Also controls if the exchange is shown with callsign in bandmap when Display options|Exchange is selected. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
Semicolon separated list DXCC entities for which RCVD/RECINFO is copied from earlier QSO in spite of FIELD_RCVD_COPY/FIELD_RECINFO_COPY=NO. Useful in case only some DXCC have a fixed exchange in the contest. |
Default value: NONE |
Regular expression. For QSO where the condition is true, the content of the field will be copied from earlier QSO in spite of FIELD_RCVD_COPY/FIELD_RECINFO_COPY=NO. Useful if only certain types of exchanges are fixed for stations in contest. |
No default value |
FIELD_RCVD_COPY_FX | C# expression used to determine value to be copied from earlier QSO. The value of the field is $FIELDVALUE. For example: FIELD_RCVD_COPY_FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,6) will copy the first six characters from the RCVD field from the previous QSO with the same station. |
Default value: $FIELDVALUE |
FIELD_RCVD_DEFAULT_VALUE | Value to be used in as prefill if RCVD field is empty. Valid values are: CQZONE, ITUZONE, CONT, or any string, which will be used verbatim. |
No default value |
FIELD_RCVD_EXC_CHECK_DXCC | List of destination DXCC countries separated by ":" (or keyword ALL for all) for which multiplier list validity checking is enforced. E.g. FIELD_RCVD_EXC_CHECK_DXCC=K:KL:KH6:VE:XE;CUSTOM_MULT_LIST Note that this key only applies to FIELD_RCVD_TYPE=MULT. Also note that this key does not override FIELD_RCVD_RGX_CHECK, so if used, this key needs to accept all possible values of RCVD. E.g. FIELD_RCVD_RGX_CHECK=DEST->RCVD:^[0-8][0-9]?$|^90$;DEST->RCVD:CUSTOM_MULT_LIST There is no corresponding key for the other entry fields, RECINFO, etc. |
No default value |
C# expression used to format entered value before saving. | No default value |
Boolean C# expression used to check if value entered in the field is valid. For example: FIELD_RCVD_FX_CHECK=Helpers.Between($FIELDVALUE,1,40) checks if RCVD is between 1 and 40. |
No default value |
If RCVD field entry is mandatory. Valid values are YES and NO. | Default value: NO |
Defines exceptions from mandating rule via a regular expression. For example: FIELD_RCVD_MANDATORY_RGX_EXC=!DEST->DXCC:^(G|GD|GI|GJ|GM|GU|GW)$ means RCVD is not mandatory for non-UK stations. You can only have one exception per entry field. |
No default value |
FIELD_RCVD_MAX_LENGTH | Maximum number of characters accepted in the field. | Default value: 10 |
Maximum number of characters accepted in the field. | Default value: 6 |
Minimum number of characters accepted in the field. | Default value: 0 |
Controls if the field accepts only numeric characters. Valid values are YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_RCVD_NAME | Column heading for RCVD field. | Default value: Rcvd |
Controls if the field accepts a slash "/" character. Valid values are YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_RCVD_RGX_CHECK | Boolean expression. Used to check if entry in the field is valid. For contests with more than one type of exchange (e.g. grid and serial number or oblast and grid), more than one rule can be listed, separated by semicolon. The check is then done against the rules combined with logical OR, i.e. if any of the rules checks OK, the entry is approved. |
No default value |
Regular expression. Used to check if entry in the field is valid. For contests with more than one type of exchange (e.g. grid and serial number or oblast and grid), more than one rule can be listed, separated by semicolon. The check is then done against the rules combined with logical OR, i.e. if any of the rules checks OK, the entry is approved. |
No default value |
FIELD_RCVD_TYPE | Defines data type of the field. Valid values are: GRID, GRID4, GRID6, CONT, NR, CUSTOM (any text), MULT (a listed keyword, associated with MULT#_TYPE=CUSTOM), CQZONE, ITUZONE, and NAME. Note that there is no automatic validity checking for CUSTOM, CQZONE, NAME, and ITUZONE. Validity checking of MULT is enabled using the key FIELD_RCVD_EXC_CHECK_DXCC. This means a FIELD_RCVD_RGX_CHECK or key may be required. The type can also be per-DXCC using the syntax DXCC:regex=type1;!DXCC:regex=type2 where regex is matched against the station's main DXCC prefix and can be e.g. ^(JA|JD/o|JD/m)$ Important: Since the types are used to determine e.g. ADIF export, only use NAME for a real name and only use NR for the exchange serial number. |
Default value: Empty |
Defines data type of the field. Valid values are: GRID, GRID4, GRID6, NR, CONT, CUSTOM, MULT, CQZONE, ITUZONE, and NAME. There is an automatic validity check on all types except CUSTOM and NAME. Important: Since the types are used to determine e.g. ADIF export, only use NAME for a real name and only use NR for the exchange serial number. |
Default value: Empty |
FIELD_RCVD_WWL_CHECK | If YES, entry in RCVD field will be checked if it can be possible gridsquare entry. It it is gridsquare, then RCVD field value will be copied to gridsquare entry field and Azimuth will be calculated and shown. Valid values are YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
Heading for field's column. | Default value: Empty |
Filtering function for composite multipliers. Exact function is unclear. |
No default value |
Controls if the the field is visible. Valid values: YES, NO, HIDDEN, and READONLY. |
Default value: NO |
FIELD_RST_3RD_LETTER | Semicolon-separated list of allowed third characters apart from numbers. For example: FIELD_RST_3RD_LETTER=A;S allows 59A and 59S as reports. |
Default value: None |
FIELD_RST_VISIBLE | Controls visibility of RST field. Valid values are: YES and NO. | Default value: YES |
FIELD_SENT_VISIBLE | Controls visibility of Sent field in log. Valid values are: YES and NO. | Default value: YES |
Default message keys
CW_MESSAGE_1 | Default F1 message for Run | Default value: "CQ $MYCALL $MYCALL TEST" |
CW_MESSAGE_2 | Default F2 message for Run | Default value: "$RST $EXCHANGE" |
CW_MESSAGE_3 | Default F3 message for Run | Default value: "$EXCHANGE" |
CW_MESSAGE_4 | Default F4 message for Run | Default value: "$MYCALL" |
CW_MESSAGE_5 | Default F5 message for Run | Default value: "$LOGGEDCALL" |
CW_MESSAGE_6 | Default F6 message for Run | Default value: "NR?" |
CW_MESSAGE_7 | Default F7 message for Run | Default value: "?" |
CW_MESSAGE_INS | Default Insert message for Run | Default value: "$F2" |
CW_MESSAGE_PLUS | Default Plus message for Run | Default value: "$CORRECT TU $CR $MYCALL" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_1 | Default F1 message for S&P | Default value: "$MYCALL" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_2 | Default F2 message for S&P | Default value: "$RST $EXCHANGE" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_3 | Default F3 message for S&P | Default value: "$EXCHANGE" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_4 | Default F4 message for S&P | Default value: "$MYCALL" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_5 | Default F5 message for S&P | Default value: "$LOGGEDCALL" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_6 | Default F6 message for S&P | Default value: "NR?" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_7 | Default F7 message for S&P | Default value: "?" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_INS | Default Insert message for S&P | Default value: "$F2$CR" |
SP_CW_MESSAGE_PLUS | Default Plus message for S&P | Default value: "TU$CR" |
CW_MESSAGE_EXCHANGE_FILTER | Message definitions following this key will only be effective if regular expression after equal sign evaluates true for content in exchange entry box. Example: CW_MESSAGE_EXCHANGE_FILTER=^DX$ means that messages below this line will be used for stations entering DX in the exchange entry box. Important: Only has effect for the first log created. All subsequent logs for the same contest will inherit the messages from the previous log. |
Additional configuration keys
DXCC_DB_TYPE | This entry allows the use of a custom country file (for example, R150S.dat). If a custom country file is defined, the selection in Option|Data files|Country files will be ignored and the country file defined in the contest config file will be used. Valid values are: CUSTOM_CTY and CTY |
Default value is CTY which will use the data base set in the Options|Data files|Country files panel. |
DXCC_DB_FILENAME | Used to enable the use of an alternative country data base. Used in conjunction with the DXCC_DB_TYPE key to define the data file name. The file format is the same as the normal CTY.DAT file. |
Default value: CTY.DAT |
DXCC_DB_USE_ARRL_LIST | Controls the use of the ARRL country list instead of CQ/WAE country list. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
Contest timing and period keys
MIN_OFF_TIME | Minimum time in minutes without QSO to count as off time. C.f. OFF_TIME_ROUND_UP. |
Default value: 30 |
OFF_TIME_ROUND_UP | Off time is calculated based on time difference between QSO instead of minutes without QSO. YES means that QSO at e.g. 4:12 and 5:12 represents 60 minutes of off time. NO means that QSO at e.g. 4:12 and 5:13 represents 60 minutes of off time. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
CONTEST_LENGTH | Duration of contest in minutes. Ignored for contests without periods. |
No default value |
CONTEST_FIRST_HOUR | Time of day for start of contest in UTC. Ignored for contests without periods. If the value is negative, DXLog will assume the contests starts a the beginning of the current hour. Valid formats: -1, H, HH, HMM, and HHMM. |
No default value |
PERIOD | Whether the contest has periods. Valid values: ON and OFF. |
Default value: OFF |
PERIOD_LENGTH | The length of each contest period in minutes. Valid values: Any integer. |
Default value: 0 |
PERIOD_AUTOSWITCH | If the next period should start automatically. Important: Does not work if contests stretches past midnight UTC. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
PERIOD_NUMBER | Number of periods in contest. CALC_FROM_TIME means duration divided by period length. Valid values: CALC_FROM_TIME or any integer. Important: When CALC_FROM_TIME is used, it must be preceded by CONTEST_LENGTH and PERIOD_LENGTH. |
Default value: 0 |
PERIOD_MODES | Optional, semicolon-separated list of modes for each period in the contest. Must have the same number of items as number of periods. Valid values: Mode acronyms supported by DXLog. |
No default value |
Database, prefill, and check keys
File name of prefill data base. Important: File name casing must be correct for online update to work. For file format etc., see the Prefill database settings section. |
Extension of data base file. | Default value: TXT |
Column number of RCVD field in data base file. Important: At least one DB_FILE_COL* statement must be included for each data base file. Important: Since look-up for RCVD is enabled by default, it needs to be actively disabled if not wanted. Set it to -1 to disable undesired look-up. |
Column number of RECINFO field in data base file. | |
Column number of RECINFO2 field in data base file. | |
Column number of RECINFO3 field in data base file. | |
C# string.Format expression defining how prefill from data base file will be used.Example: /{0} will precede prefill with a slash. This function is often combined with the menu option to use INSERT mode in the RCVD field. |
RGX_GUESS_DB | Regular expression "rule base" for guessing exchange of unworked stations. Syntax is RGX_GUESS_DB=Field;DXCC Regex;Callsign Regex2;Filename[;Result regex] A look-up is done for stations fulfilling at least one of the regular expressions. If the Result regex is used, the look-up returns nothing for all look-ups not matching it. The syntax of the file callsign regex=prefill or DXCC:regex=prefill or !DXCC:regex=prefill. The file is parsed from top to bottom and the first match is used. |
DXC_COMMENT_EXTRACT | This entry is used to extract exchange or multiplier information from DX cluster comments. For example, the line: DXC_COMMENT_EXTRACT=RECINFO;(AF|AN|AS|EU|NA|OC|SA)[ /\-\.]?\d{1,3};[ /\-\.] will extract a typical IOTA designation such as AF-025 and insert it into the RECINFO prefill field for the spot. The first part of the configuration (before the ;) defines into which entry field the data should be placed. The second part of the configuration is a regular expression that defines the data that is to be matched. The third part defines which characters should be removed from the matched result. It is mandatory but can be empty. |
SCP_DATABASE_DISABLE | Disable file-based prefill and check partials database. (for e.g. WRTC and IARU HF Championship). Valid values are: YES and NO or a semicolon separated list of YES or NO with the same number of elements as defined contest categories. |
Default value: NO |
DB_SCP_FROM_EXCHANGE | Enables reverse look-up. Searches for all instances of either RCVD or RECINFO in first and second column of all data base files. Search is triggered when pressing space and all entry fields are empty except either RCVD or RECINFO. Search hits are displayed in Check Partials window. |
Default value: NO |
QSO exchange and numbering keys
INITIAL_SERIAL_NUMBER | Starting value of sent serial number. | Default value: 1 |
QSO_NUMBER | QSO numbering principle. Valid values: ALL, PER_MODE, PER_BAND, PER_PERIOD, PER_BAND_MODE, PER_PERIOD_MODE. ALL means chronological numbering. |
Default value: ALL |
QSO_NUMBER_CATEGORY | Semicolon-separated list of numbering principles for each contest category. Must contain the same number of elements as contest categories. Valid values: ALL, PER_MODE, PER_BAND, PER_PERIOD, PER_BAND_MODE, PER_PERIOD_MODE. |
If not present, the value of QSO_NUMBER is used. |
FIRST_PREV_RCVD | Initial return value of macro $PREV_RCVD. Any string is allowed but also the keyword EXCHANGE |
Default value: "000" |
FIRST_PREV_RECINFO | Initial return value of macro $PREV_RECINFO. Any string is allowed but also the keyword EXCHANGE |
Default value: "000" |
FIRST_PREV_RECINFO2 | Initial return value of macro $PREV_RECINFO2. Any string is allowed but also the keyword EXCHANGE |
Default value: "000" |
FIRST_PREV_RECINFO3 | Initial return value of macro $PREV_RECINFO3. Any string is allowed but also the keyword EXCHANGE |
Default value: "000" |
SLASH_MULTIPLE_QSOS | Controls whether slashed ("/") multipliers are used in the contest. | Default value: NO |
Double QSO keys
DOUBLE_QSO_MINUTE_DIFFERENCE | Minimum time difference in QSO time to not be counted as a dupe. Used in conjunction with DOUBLE_QSO=PER_MINUTE_DIFFERENCE. |
Default value: 0 |
DOUBLE_QSO_MODE_CHECK | Definition of dupe principle when it comes to mode. Valid values: PER_MODE, PER_CABRILLO_MODE, and PER_MODE_GROUP. Important: When not using PER_MODE, only use CW, Phone, Digital, and Mixed for CATEGORY_MODES values. |
Default value: PER_MODE |
DOUBLE_QSO_RULE_DURATION | Expiration time of dupe QSO rule. Cannot be used together with DOUBLE_QSO=PER_MINUTE_DIFFERENCE or MIN_VALID_QSO_DIFFERENCE. |
Default value: 0 |
MIN_VALID_QSO_DIFFERENCE | Minimum allowed time between QSO with the same station. Once this time has passed, the regular dupe rules apply. Cannot be used together with DOUBLE_QSO=PER_MINUTE_DIFFERENCE or DOUBLE_QSO_RULE_DURATION. |
Default value: 0 |
MODE_GROUP | Semicolon-separated list of mode group names. Used as an alternative to CABRILLO_MODES to group modes together for special dupe rules. One list entry per MODES mode entry. Valid group names are CW, SSB, FM, PH, and DG. |
No default value |
Multiplier keys
MULT_SUM | Summing method for multipliers. Valid values: NO, ALL, PER_BAND, and PER_PERIOD. |
Default value: ALL |
OWN_MULT_VALID | Controls if own multiplier is valid. Important: Controls the validity of ALL own multipliers but does not consider calculated or derived multipliers, e.g. DXCC or WPX. This means that for the NO option to work, the own multiplier must be specified in the Exchange field in the contest configuration panel and only this multiplier will not count. |
Default value: NO |
CUSTOM_MULT_LENGTH | Length of an enumerated numeric multiplier. If number is shorter, it is left padded with zeroes. Used with enumerated multipliers, e.g. "=1-1999". |
Default value: 0 |
CONTINENT_LIST | Custom, semicolon-separated continent list. Syntax is: CONTINENT_LIST=continent1;continent2;continent3 |
Default value: EU;NA;SA;AS;AF;OC |
Custom, semicolon-separated continent list. Syntax is: MULT1_CONT_LIST=continent1;continent2;continent3 |
Default value: EU;NA;SA;AS;AF;OC |
Multiplier type. Can be CALLSIGN, DXCC, CQZONE, WPX, CUSTOM, HQ, NUM, FIELD, LETTER1, or FX. FX is a calculated multiplier and requires an MULT#_FX key. CUSTOM requires a multiplier list. For contests with more than one multiplier, the use of LIVESCORE_MULT may be necessary for correct reporting. |
Default value: None |
A C# expression used to create the effective value of an FX type multiplier. The entered value is available in the object $FIELDVALUE. For example MULT1_FX=$FIELDVALUE.Substring(0,$FIELDVALUE.IndexOf('/')) will make the characters before the slash the actual multiplier. |
Counting method for MULT1, MULT2, and MULT3. Can be PER_BAND, PER_PERIOD, PER_MODE, PER_BAND_MODE, PER_PERIOD_MODE, PER_PERIOD_BAND, PER_PERIOD_BAND_MODE, or ALL. Important: Do not use e.g. PER_BAND for a single band contest or PER_MODE for a single mode contest. |
Default value: None |
Only used with multiplier type HQ. Determines if a HQ station counts as a DXCC multiplier. Can be canceled for a selected condition using the multiplier exception REMOVE_DXCC. Example: MULT2_EXCEPTION=DEST->RCVD:^R[1-3]$;REMOVE_DXCC means that HQ stations sending R1, R2, or R3 as exchange will not count for DXCC multipliers. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
Default value: None |
Text to show in MULT column. Syntax: MULT1_DISPLAY=regex;string. The regex can be omitted. Example: MULT1_DISPLAY=DEST->DXCC:^K$|^KL$|^KH6$;S Example: MULT1_DISPLAY=FN |
Default value: None |
Highlight errors in MULT. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: YES |
Per band multiplier scaling factor. Syntax MULT1_BAND_BONUS=band;scaling. Example: MULT1_BAND_BONUS=80;2 doubles the multiplier count for the 80m band. |
Default value: 1 |
Bonus score for a defined achievement in V/U/SHF contests with EDI log submission. Example: With country defined as a "multiplier" number one, MULT1_BONUS=100 will add 100 points to the total score for each new country worked. Affects the EDI keys CWWLs, CExcs, and CDXCs. Has no effect on on-screen scoring or Cabrillo export. |
Default value: 0 |
Exception from the general rule for MULT. Syntax: MULT1_EXCEPTION=boolean;multiplier definition. The boolean function can either be a regular expression (c.f. above) or FX() expression. Example: MULT1_EXCEPTION=DEST->DXCC:^K$|^VE$;CUSTOM_MULT_LIST will use the custom list (normally last in the contest definition file) to determine multipliers for US and Canadian stations. Example: MULT1_EXCEPTION=FX("CONFIG->CALLSIGN"<>"K1DG");NONE will not count this multiplier for anyone except Doug K1DG. However, a less roundabout way to achieve the same is MULT1_EXCEPTION=!CONFIG->CALLSIGN:^K1DG$;NONE Valid values of the multiplier definition are: PFX_AREA, WPX, NONE, CUSTOM_MULT_LIST, REMOVE_DXCC, VALUE, VALUE:###, or LETTER1. |
Multiplication factor for a selected value of MULT. Syntax multiplier;factor. For instance MULT1_MULTIPLIER=AZ;4 means all "AZ" are worth four multipliers. One MULT1_MULTIPLIER line is required for each value of MULT1 which has a multiplier. |
Specifies a list of values of MULT and the number of times they count as multipliers. For instance MULT1_REPEAT=VD[3];PA[2] means the first three "VD" and the first two "PA" count as multipliers. If only a multiplier without a bracketed number is listed, the number is one. Important: This function is not correctly implemented in DXLog's bandmap. |
By default multipliers only count once |
List used when MULT is of type CONT. | Default value: EU;NA;SA;AS;AF;OC |
Hides the multiplier and QSY alert at the bottom of the screen for the multiplier. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
Rate window keys
STATS_TYPE | Type of statistics in Rate window. Valid values: STANDARD and WRTC. |
Default value: STANDARD |
DISPLAY_TIME_ON_PER_MODE | Display time on per mode in Rate window. | Default value: NO |
DISPLAY_LAST_MODE_CHANGE | Display time of last mode change in Rate window. | Default value: NO |
Band change rule keys
BAND_MIN_LIMITS | Bandwise minimum and maximum times. Only used by Bande Basse local Italian contest. Syntax: BAND_MIN_LIMITS=band;maxminutes;minfromlastqsominutes. |
MULTISINGLE_RULE10_ENABLED | 10-minute rule for Multi-Single operation. | Default value: YES |
MULTISINGLE_RULE10_FOR_MULT | 10-minute rule applies to multiplier station. | Default value: YES |
MULTISINGLE_RULE10_MINUTES | Actual number of minutes for 10-minute rule. | Default value: 10 |
MULTISINGLE_RULE10_CHECKMODE | Checking principle for 10-minute rule. | Default value: PER_BAND |
MULTITWO_RULE10_ENABLED | 10-minute rule for Multi-Two operation. | Default value: NO |
MULTIOP_BANDCHANGECOUNTER_ENABLED | Band change counter for multi operator operation enabled. | Default value: YES |
MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_ALLOWED | Semicolon-separated list with number of band changes allowed in one hour in multi operator operation. The same number of entries as MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_CBR_TRANSMITTERS. |
Default value: 8 |
MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_CHECKMODE | Type of counting method for band changes in multi operator operation. Valid values: PER_BAND or PER_BAND_MODE |
Default value: PER_BAND |
MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_TYPE | Semicolon-separated list with type of band changes counted for band change rule in multi operator operation. Valid values are R, RM, or ALL. R is for M/2 and keeps two separate counters. RM is for M/1 where you have a separate counter for the Run and Multiplier stations. ALL means a single, common counter for all station types. The list must have the same number of entries as MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_CBR_TRANSMITTERS. |
Default value: R |
MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_CBR_CATEGORIES | Semicolon-separated list of Cabrillo operator categories subject to band change rule. | Default value: MULTI-OP |
MULTIOP_BANDCHANGES_CBR_TRANSMITTERS | Semicolon-separated list of Cabrillo transmitter categories subject to band change rule. | Default value: TWO |
Contest score keys
SCORE | Scoring principle. Valid values: BY_BAND, BY_BAND_MODE, BY_PERIOD, BY_PERIOD_BAND, and BY_PERIOD_BAND_MODE. Additional values are BY_MODE_GROUP and BY_BAND_GROUP. Their function is unknown. Important: BY_MODE does not exist. |
Default value: BY_BAND |
SCORE_DISPLAY | Displayed columns in Summary window. Available elements in their standard order: PERIOD, BAND, MODE, QSO, DUP, MULT1, MULT2, MULT3, QTC, POINTS, AVG, AVG0, and AVG1. A string within parenthesis following the element name will set the column header. Per mode display can be achieved by including the relevant mode(s) within curly brackets. Multiple modes are separated by '+'. Example: SCORE_DISPLAY=BAND;QSO(SSB){SSB};QSO(CW){CW};QSO(DIGI){RTTY+PSK31+PSK63};DUP will group all RTTY, PSK31, and PSK63 QSO under the same heading. Elements can be conditional using the *+NN:MM:LL> syntax or *RGX: followed by a regular expressions (see above). Example: *-K:VE> will display the column if your station is not a K or VE station. Example: *+SM:OZ:LA:OH> will display the column only if you are a SM, OZ, LA, or OH station. |
SCORE_TOTAL_FX | Formula for calculating total score for a QSO. Uses FLEE syntax which includes e.g. If(). Example: SCORE_TOTAL_FX=$FIELDVALUE.Points*$FIELDVALUE.Mult1+$FIELDVALUE.Mult3 |
QSO points keys
POINTS_TYPE | Type of points. Valid values: CALC, QRB, QRB_EXCHANGE+CALCF, QRB+CALCF, QRB+GRIDP2, RAEM, and FROM_TABLE() CALC expects the presence of POINTS_FIELD_BAND_MODE keys. QRB means one point per kilometer. QRB_EXCHANGE+CALCF requires at least one POINTS_CALC_F key and uses a grid in the configuration panel's Exchange field for QRB calculation. QRB only works with 6-position grids. QRB+CALCF requires at least one POINTS_CALC_F key and uses the configuration panel's Grid field for QRB calculation. RAEM uses the special RAEM contest point system. QRB+GRIDP2 is the number of large grids in distance plus two. FROM_TABLE(filename;keytype;sourcekey;destkey) requires a database text file that maps an exchange value to points. keytype is always INT, sourcekey is always "EXCHANGE", destkey can be RCVD, RECINFO, RECINFO2, or RECINFO3. The format of each line in the file is sourcekey value;destkey value=points. |
Default value: CALC |
POINTS_BAND_BONUS | Per band scaling factor. Syntax POINTS_BAND_BONUS=band;scaling. Example: POINTS_BAND_BONUS=160;2 doubles the points number on the 160m band. |
Default value: 1 on all bands. |
POINTS_FIELD_BAND_MODE | Conditional point calculation. Syntax: POINTS_FIELD_BAND_MODE=regex1;regex2;bandregex;moderegex;points;optionalregex The points item can be either a numeric (1, 10, etc.) or a field name: RCVD, RECINFO, RECINFO2, or RECINFO3. Important: When designing points rules, keep in mind the first valid rule encountered, reading from the top, overrides all subsequent rules. This can simplify rule-writing greatly. |
No default value |
POINTS_CALC_F | Formula for points calculation with POINTS_TYPE QRB_EXCHANGE+CALCF and QRB+CALCF. Syntax: POINTS_CALC_F=sourceregex;pointsformula;bandregex;calculationregex Example: POINTS_CALC_F=ALL;VALUE*5.0;^15$;QRB>=100&&QRB<=800 multiplies points with 5 on 15m if QRB is between 100 and 800km. All mathematical functions in C# syntax, plus the points number (VALUE) are available for expressions. In the calculationregex, the keyword QRB can also be used for e.g. comparisons. Additionally, three additional syntax elements are available: VALUE{QRB:grid} which has the value of the distance (in km) from you to grid, VALUE{*QRB:grid} which has the value of distance from grid to the party station, and VALUE{QRB:IARU} which has the value of the distance according to the IARU R1 rules for 6 and 4m MGM contests which is the distance between the centers of the origin and destination large square (four first characters) rounded up and if same, 50 points. |
No default value |
Progress tracking keys
WINDOWS_CML_ENABLED | Enable custom multiplier window #1. | Default value: NO |
WINDOWS_CML2_ENABLED | Enable custom multiplier window #2. | Default value: NO |
WINDOWS_CML3_ENABLED | Enable custom multiplier window #3. | Default value: NO |
WINDOWS_CML_NAME | Name of custom multiplier #1. | No default value |
WINDOWS_CML2_NAME | Name of custom multiplier #2. | No default value |
WINDOWS_CML3_NAME | Name of custom multiplier #3. | No default value |
C# expression for the multipliers listed in custom multiplier window for MULT. Syntax: WINDOWS_CML_LIST_FX=function. Example: WINDOWS_CML_LIST_FX=GetList_PrefixArea(dxccList,"^(VK|ZL)$") Example: WINDOWS_CML_LIST_FX=GetList_CustomArray("A|C|CA|CC|CE|V|VI|Z","|") |
No default value |
Source of data for custom multiplier window 1, 2, and 3. Valid values: MULT1, MULT2, MULT3, QSODIFF, QSODIFF_SP, and QSODIFF_CQ. |
No default value |
Controls if custom multiplier window 1, 3, and 3 show the multipliers grouped, if groups are defined. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
Controls if custom multiplier windows are resizable. | Default value: NO |
Controls number of MULT labels in each row of its custom multiplier window. Valid values: -1 and positive integers. -1 means DXLog default 10. |
Default value: -1 |
Controls the number of MULT labels in each row of its custom multiplier window when all bands are displayed. Valid values: -1 and positive integers. -1 means DXLog default 20. |
Default value: -1 |
Hides a custom multiplier window for stations from selected continents. Currently not used in any contest. |
Default value: None |
Hides a custom multiplier window for stations from selected DXCC. Syntax: WINDOWS_CML_HIDDEN_DXCC=list Example: WINDOWS_CML_HIDDEN_DXCC=*+G;GI;GW;GM;GJ;GU;GD hides the custom multiplier window for UK stations. Example: WINDOWS_CML_HIDDEN_DXCC=*-SM;LA;OZ;OH shows the custom multiplier window only for Scandinavian stations. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_ENABLED | Enables worked DXCC window. Important: The worked DXCC window will only update on logging if DXCC is a valid multiplier for the contest. If you want to use this window for e.g., |
Default value: NO |
WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_HIDDEN_CONT | Hides worked DXCC window for stations from selected continent. Example: WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_HIDDEN_CONT=*-AS shows only the worked DXCC window for Asian stations. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_HIDDEN_DXCC | Hides worked DXCC window for stations from selected DXCC. C.f. WINDOWS_CML_HIDDEN_DXCC above for syntax. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_SHOW_ONLY_CONT | Show only entities from the listed continents in the worked DXCC window. Example: WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_SHOW_ONLY_CONT=NA;SA shows only NA and SA entities in the worked DXCC window. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_CONT_FILTER | Defines which DXCC entities from a selected continent to show in the worked DXCC window. Example: WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_CONT_FILTER=SA:9Y;P4;PJ2;PJ4 will only include 9Y, P4 and PJ2 from South America. You can have several of this key. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_HIDE_DXCC | Hides a list of DXCC entities from the worked DXCC window. Example: WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_HIDE_DXCC=K;VE hides US and Canada from the worked DXCC window. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_WKD_GRID_ENABLED | Enables worked grids window. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
WINDOWS_WKD_PFX_ENABLED | Enables worked prefixes window. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
WINDOWS_WKD_PFX_HIDDEN_CONT | Hides worked prefixes window for stations from selected continent. C.f. WINDOWS_WKD_DXCC_HIDDEN_CONT above for syntax. |
Default is to hide nothing |
WINDOWS_WKD_PFX_HIDDEN_DXCC | Hides worked prefixes window for stations from selected DXCC. C.f. WINDOWS_CML_HIDDEN_DXCC above for syntax. |
Default is to hide nothing |
WINDOWS_WKD_PFX_DATA | Source of worked prefixes data. Valid values: MULT1, MULT2, and MULT3. |
No default value |
Livescore keys
LIVESCORE_ASSISTED | List of assistance categories used for live score reporting. List must have the same number of items as mode CATEGORIES. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_ASSISTED |
LIVESCORE_BAND | List of band categories used for live score reporting. List must either have one single value of the same number of items as CABRILLO_BAND. If a single value, this is valid for all categories. Band names are Cabrillo convention. Non standard band categories recognized by score boards are: 2-BAND, 3-BAND, LOW-BAND, and HIGH-BAND. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_BAND |
LIVESCORE_CATEGORY_MODES | List of contest mode categories used for live score reporting. List must have the same number of items as CATEGORY_MODES. |
Default value: Value of CATEGORY_MODES |
LIVESCORE_CONTEST_NAME | Contest name used for live score reporting. If the string contains {MODE} this will be replaced by the current contest mode capitalized. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_CONTEST_NAME. |
LIVESCORE_MODES | List of modes used for live score reporting. List must have the same number of items as MODES. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_MODE |
LIVESCORE_MULT | List of multiplier "names" in numerical order used for live score reporting. Must have the same number of items as contest multipliers, but names may be repeated. Used when the multiplier type is not explicit, such as grid square. Valid multiplier types are ZONE, COUNTRY, STATE, GRIDSQUARE, WPXPREFIX, PREFIX, HQ and NONE. |
By default DXLog recognizes "country", "zone", "hq", "wpxprefix", and "state". |
LIVESCORE_OPERATOR | List of types of operation used for live score reporting. List must have the same number of items as CATEGORIES. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_OPERATOR |
LIVESCORE_POWER | List of output power classes used for live score reporting. List must have the same number of items as CLASS. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_POWER |
LIVESCORE_RTC_SENT_EXCHANGE | List of the exchange elements sent by own station. Accepts *RGX conditionals like CABRILLO_LINE. Valid keywords are NR, OPNAME, EXCHANGE, POWER, MYCQZONE, MYITUZONE, MYDXCC, STATE, GRID4, and GRID. Important: This key is required in contest definition file to enable Real Time Contest QSO upload. |
Default value: None |
LIVESCORE_TRANSMITTER | List of number of transmitters categories used for live score reporting. List must have the same number of items as CATEGORIES. |
Default value: Value of CABRILLO_TRANSMITTER |
QTC keys
QTC_ENABLED | Enables QTC mechanics. | Default value: NO |
QTC_SEND_ENABLED | Enables QTC sending. | Default value: !SOURCE->CONT:^EU$ |
QTC_RECV_ENABLED | Enables QTC receiving. | Default value: SOURCE->CONT:^EU$ |
QTC_SEND_RGX | Regular expression controlling the transmission of QTC. | Default value: DEST->CONT:^EU$ |
QTC_RECV_RGX | Regular expression controlling the reception of QTC. | Default value: !DEST->CONT:^EU$ |
Other keys
ADIF_KEYS | Allows for including custom keys in ADIF export. The syntax is ADIF_KEYS=ADIFKEY;expression;regex. regex is optional but must evaluate as true for the key to be included in the export. The syntax for expression is C# and based on internal DXQSO object structure. Received exchanges are $VALUE.Rcvd, $VALUE.Rcvd4, $VALUE.RecInfo, $VALUE.RecInfo2, and $VALUE.RecInfo3. Rcvd4 is the Rcvd object without the signal report. So to, for instance, export the received exchange as US/VE state use ADIF_KEYS=STATE;$VALUE.Rcvd4;DEST->DXCC:^K$|^VE$. To export the second part of the exchange as operator name use ADIF_KEYS=NAME;$VALUE.RecInfo The following $ keys are available: Sent, Rcvd, Rcvd4, RecInfo, RecInfo2, RecInfo3, Az, Mult, Mult1, Mult2, Mult3, Lp, Period, Band, Mode, Callsign, QRB (integer), Stn, OriginStnID, Operator, and RadioVFO. Please note that you can also use C# style string manipulation such as Substring(start, length) etc. There is no limit on the number of ADIF_KEYS lines in a contest definition file, but with the exception of COMMENT, only one per ADIF key is allowed. Multiple COMMENT keys are appended. The keyword $EXCHANGE or fixed string are also allowed, e.g., ADIF_KEYS=MY_SIG;WWFF and ADIF_KEYS=MY_SIG_INFO;$EXCHANGE. |
Default value: None |
ASTROPHYSICS | Enables DXLog's propagation enhancing features. Valid values: YES and NO. |
Default value: NO |
OVERRIDE_INVALID_QSO_MESSAGE | Suppress invalid QSO message for selected cases. Syntax is OVERRIDE_INVALID_QSO_MESSAGE=IncaseRegex;AndRegex Example: OVERRIDE_INVALID_QSO_MESSAGE=DEST->DXCC:^K$;DEST->RCVD:^$ will suppress complaints about invalid QSO when the RCVD field is empty US stations. Note that this is a legacy function with limited usefulness. To make sure stations show up correctly in the bandmap without valid exchanges you typically need to add dummy rules that will prevent errors to show anyway. |
Default value: None |
SELF_SPOT_ALLOWED | Enables spotting of own station. Either a single YES/NO or a semicolon separated list of YES/NO with the same number of entries as CATEGORIES. |
Default value: NO |
SELF_SPOT_MINPERIOD | Controls the minimum time in minutes between spots of own station. | Default value: 10 |
SELF_SPOT_PER_RADIO | Controls whether the self spotting period is per radio or per station. | Default value: YES |
SPRINT_LOGIC_ALLOWED | Enable "sprint logic" check box in the Standard Messages panel's Options tab. | Default value: NO |
WARNING_FILE | Name of a frequency range warning file located in %appdata%\DXLog\Database. The format of each line in the warning file is: Mode regular expression;frequency range;Message Example: CW;3400-3520;Warning: Operation not allowed on this frequency CW;3550-3900;Warning: Operation not allowed on this frequency SB;3400-3600;Warning: Operation not allowed on this frequency SB;3675-3700;Warning: Operation not allowed on this frequency SB;3725-3900;Warning: Operation not allowed on this frequency Important: File name casing must be correct for online update to work. |
No default value |
WINDOWS_ON4KST_ENABLED | Enables ON4KST messaging window | Default value: NO |
Less obvious constructs
Entry type based on DXCC of logged station.
Other multiplier than the defined.
Zero padding of an exchange.
Using a field value as the QSO score
Adding alternative exchanges to multiplier list